Name Type Sector Country Joined On
The Bridge Company for General Trading and Contracting Company Diversified Kuwait 28-Nov-2024
The Management House Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Kuwait 10-Jan-2024
Al Houda Hotels & Tourism Co. Company Travel & Leisure Kuwait 21-Jul-2023
CANAR Trading & Contracting Company Company Construction & Materials Kuwait 13-Jun-2023
IMCO Engineering and Construction Company Company Oil, gas, & coal Kuwait 13-Jun-2023
National Bank of Kuwait Company Banks Kuwait 30-Jan-2023
ChemiKuwait For Chemical Industries Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Oil, gas, & coal Kuwait 06-Dec-2022
The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry NGO Local Not Applicable Kuwait 05-Dec-2022
Kamco Investment Company K.S.C.P ("Kamco Invest") Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Kuwait 07-Nov-2022
SANAM Real Estate Company, K.P.S.C Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Real Estate Investment & Services development Kuwait 30-Aug-2022
Gulf Insurance Group Company Nonlife Insurance Kuwait 13-Jun-2022
Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P - Zain Company Telecommunications equipment; telecommunications service providers Kuwait 07-Jun-2022