Name Type Sector Country Joined On
FUENTES SAN FELIPE S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Beverages Ecuador 28-Jun-2021
IPEGES CIA. LTDA. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Ecuador 01-Jun-2021
Universidad Tecnologica Empresarial de Guayaquil Academic Not Applicable Ecuador 29-Apr-2021
Fundacion de ayuda social "CONACCE CHAPLAINS" Foundation Not Applicable Ecuador 15-Mar-2021
ECOLECTUAL S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Ecuador 04-Feb-2021
Eurofish S.A Company Food Producers Ecuador 03-Feb-2021
LATAM-Airlines Ecuador S.A Company Travel & Leisure Ecuador 26-Jan-2021
FALCONI PUIG ABOGADOS CIA. LTDA. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 22-Jan-2021
CASA DE VALORES FUTURO FUTUROCAPITAL S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2021
Caja Central Financoop Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Banks Ecuador 13-Jan-2021
SISTEMA DE MEDICINA PREPAGADA DEL ECUADOR S.A SALUDSA Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Ecuador 08-Dec-2020
Maximamedical S.A.S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Ecuador 03-Dec-2020