Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Entrepreneurship Development Fund Damu Company Industrial Support Services Kazakhstan 14-Sep-2011
Public Foundation - Eurasian Humanitarian Center Adam Damu Foundation Not Applicable Kazakhstan 25-Feb-2011
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia Foundation Not Applicable Kazakhstan 05-Nov-2010
Sesame Eco Company Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers Kazakhstan 02-Sep-2010
Daily Express Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Telecommunications equipment; telecommunications service providers Kazakhstan 16-Mar-2010
National Economic Chamber ""Atameken" Union" Business Association Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 05-Mar-2010
Republican Public Union "Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan" NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 11-Feb-2010
Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 29-Dec-2009
Tax Standards Formation NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 27-Aug-2009
East Kazakhstan Public Association NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 20-Jul-2009
Eco Mangystau NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 02-Jul-2009
Public Association 'Blago' NGO Local Not Applicable Kazakhstan 30-Jun-2009