Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Amartha Company Finance and credit services Indonesia 16-Feb-2021
Dynapack Asia Company General Industrials Indonesia 30-Dec-2020
Asia Pacific Rayon Company Industrial Engineering Indonesia 18-Dec-2020
PT Freeport Indonesia Company Industrial metals and mining Indonesia 16-Dec-2020
PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk Company Personal Goods Indonesia 16-Dec-2020
Asosiasi Platform Limbah Indonesia - Indonesian Waste Platform NGO Local Not Applicable Indonesia 24-Nov-2020
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Widya Cipta Husada Academic Not Applicable Indonesia 17-Nov-2020
Yayasan Indika Untuk Indonesia (Indika Foundation) Foundation Not Applicable Indonesia 16-Nov-2020
PT. Asiatech Manufacturing Indonesia Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Indonesia 12-Oct-2020
Greeneration Foundation NGO Local Not Applicable Indonesia 10-Sep-2020
PT United Family Food Company Food Producers Indonesia 08-Sep-2020
PT ARRGANI Company General Industrials Indonesia 10-Aug-2020