Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro (Environment and Work Association) NGO Local Not Applicable Italy 13-Jan-2012
Mi-Me Minuterie Metalliche Meles S.p.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electronic & Electrical Equipment Italy 13-Dec-2011
ASIA Napoli S.p.A. Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Italy 03-Oct-2011
CIMA Research Foundation Foundation Not Applicable Italy 29-Sep-2011
Maire S.p.A Company Industrial Engineering Italy 15-Jul-2011
Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. Company Alternative Energy Italy 22-Jun-2011
Ca' Foscari University of Venice Academic Not Applicable Italy 22-Mar-2011
Hitachi Rail STS SpA Company Industrial Engineering Italy 09-Mar-2011
CNP UniCredit Vita S.p.A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Life Insurance Italy 16-Feb-2011
Sofidel S.p.A. Company Industrial materials Italy 17-Dec-2010