Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Wellbeing Foundation Foundation Not Applicable India 26-Dec-2013
Mahendra & Young Knowledge Foundation Foundation Not Applicable India 26-Dec-2013
GlobalHunt Foundation Foundation Not Applicable India 18-Dec-2013
Diva Envitec Pvt Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering India 06-Dec-2013
Eunice Foundation NGO Global Not Applicable India 04-Dec-2013
Aharin India Pvt. Ltd. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Leisure Goods India 02-Dec-2013
Creative League Constructions & Trading Pvt Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials India 26-Nov-2013
National Womens Welfare Society Public Sector Organization Not Applicable India 14-Nov-2013
Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling (ARASMIN) NGO Local Not Applicable India 11-Nov-2013
Jan Chetna Sansthan NGO Local Not Applicable India 29-Oct-2013
Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) NGO Global Not Applicable India 29-Oct-2013
CECOWOR- Centre for Coordination of Voluntary Works and Research NGO Local Not Applicable India 10-Oct-2013