Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Shubh Arya Steel Pvt Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining India 11-Oct-2016
Srivaranam Organisation for the Environmental Education (SOEE) NGO Local Not Applicable India 04-Oct-2016
Development Oriented Operations Research & Surveys NGO Local Not Applicable India 22-Sep-2016
Metaform Enterprise Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials India 13-Sep-2016
Pragyan International University Academic Not Applicable India 07-Sep-2016
ANU Enterprises Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials India 06-Sep-2016
Acuvate Software Company Software & Computer Services India 02-Sep-2016
Pami Metals Pvt Ltd. Company Electronic & Electrical Equipment India 29-Aug-2016
Indian Institute of Development Management NGO Global Not Applicable India 18-Aug-2016
ZenSar Technologies Company Software & Computer Services India 09-Aug-2016
Capstone Academy of Global Peace Academic Not Applicable India 03-Aug-2016
NIMT - National Institute of Management and Technology Academic Not Applicable India 01-Aug-2016