Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Kia Ecuador Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Automobiles & Parts Ecuador 24-Feb-2023
MQI Marcas que impactan S.A.S B.I.C. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 23-Feb-2023
CERVECERIA NACIONAL CN S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Beverages Ecuador 22-Feb-2023
COMPAÑIA DE TRANSPORTE CARGA PESADA Y LOGISTICA TRANSPOREXA S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Transportation Ecuador 22-Feb-2023
Bienestar Femenino Warmiseg S.A.S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 01-Feb-2023
Arista Global C.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Ecuador 01-Feb-2023
Hosteria Cananvalle Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 01-Feb-2023
GENERA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES GENERARENOVABLES CIA.LTDA Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Alternative Energy Ecuador 26-Jan-2023
Industria de reciclaje Reciclapet S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 26-Jan-2023
Prodeseg Agencia Asesora Productora de Seguros Cia. Ltda. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Life Insurance Ecuador 17-Jan-2023
Mujeres por Ecuador Foundation Not Applicable Ecuador 12-Dec-2022
SAVERCORP S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Ecuador 02-Dec-2022