Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Surfshark Company Software & Computer Services Netherlands 16-Jan-2024
Total Packaging B.V. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Leisure Goods Netherlands 16-Jan-2024
VNO-NCW, The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers Business Association Local Not Applicable Netherlands 08-Jan-2024
Houweling Group Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering Netherlands 08-Jan-2024
Samsung Electronics Air Conditioner Europe B.V. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electronic & Electrical Equipment Netherlands 08-Jan-2024
Unilever Netherlands Company Personal Goods Netherlands 08-Jan-2024
Accell Group B.V Company Diversified Netherlands 08-Jan-2024
A Beautiful Story Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Personal Goods Netherlands 02-Jan-2024
Plato B.V. Company Diversified Netherlands 08-Dec-2023
Speira Company Industrial metals and mining Netherlands 08-Dec-2023
PwC Netherlands Company Diversified Netherlands 08-Dec-2023
NewForesight Consultancy Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Netherlands 08-Dec-2023