Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Ayesa Advanced Technologies S.A. Company Software & Computer Services Spain 05-Dec-2011
Galvanizados Aviles, S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining Spain 05-Dec-2011
Union Castellana de Alimentacion, S.A. (UCALSA) Company Travel & Leisure Spain 05-Dec-2011
Alvac, S.A. Company Industrial Support Services Spain 02-Dec-2011
MLS TEXTILES 1992, S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Personal Goods Spain 02-Dec-2011
Divisa Informatica y Telecomunicaciones, S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Spain 02-Dec-2011
Electrosteel Europe S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining Spain 01-Dec-2011
Coprusa Ingenieria y Construccion, SLU Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 30-Nov-2011
Tecnica Ingenieros S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering Spain 29-Nov-2011
Avalon Tecnologias de la Informacion, S.L. Company Software & Computer Services Spain 28-Nov-2011
Logisman Aragon Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 23-Nov-2011
CISvial (Centro Integral para la Seguridad Vial) Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 23-Nov-2011