Name Type Sector Country Joined On
TANDEX A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Denmark 14-Jun-2021
GaveFabrikken A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Personal Goods Denmark 24-May-2021
Contour Design Nordic A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electronic & Electrical Equipment Denmark 24-May-2021
Stilling A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Household Goods & Home Construction Denmark 24-May-2021
Conscia A/S Company Software & Computer Services Denmark 30-Apr-2021
Belfor Denmark A/S Company Industrial Support Services Denmark 30-Apr-2021
Holiday Group Invest A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Travel & Leisure Denmark 30-Apr-2021
Scandlines Infrastructure ApS Company Industrial Transportation Denmark 30-Apr-2021
BRFfonden Foundation Not Applicable Denmark 19-Apr-2021
Dolle A/S Company Construction & Materials Denmark 19-Apr-2021
Polaris Management A/S Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Denmark 19-Apr-2021
Ledernes Hovedorganisation Labour Local Not Applicable Denmark 19-Apr-2021