Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Provide HCM People S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Spain 22-Nov-2016
Fundacion Privada Hospital Asil de Granollers Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Spain 22-Nov-2016
Aspromanis Servicios S.R.L.U. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 22-Nov-2016
Lanalden, S.A. Company Industrial Support Services Spain 22-Nov-2016
Simba Group Company Diversified Uganda 22-Nov-2016
Cooperativas Ourensanas S.C.G. COREN Company Food Producers Spain 22-Nov-2016
Factum Information Technologies Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Spain 22-Nov-2016
Women CEO Peru NGO Local Not Applicable Peru 21-Nov-2016
Jinhae Community Centre for the Differently Abled Foundation Not Applicable Korea, Republic of 21-Nov-2016
Zeppelin GmbH Company Industrial Engineering Germany 21-Nov-2016