Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Internacional de Ceramica S.A.B de C.V Company Construction & Materials Mexico 16-Jan-2006
City and County of San Francisco City Not Applicable United States of America 13-Jan-2006
Sompo Holdings, Inc. Company Finance and credit services Japan 13-Jan-2006
Mutua Universal Business Association Local Not Applicable Spain 31-Dec-2005
Industrias Quimicas del Ebro S.A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Chemicals Spain 21-Nov-2005
Fundacion Bancaria 'la Caixa' Foundation Not Applicable Spain 18-Nov-2005
Catering International & Services Company Industrial Support Services France 18-Nov-2005
MOTORCARE LTD - UGANDA Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Automobiles & Parts Uganda 18-Nov-2005
Sveaskog AB Company Industrial materials Sweden 18-Nov-2005
Central Romana Corporation, Ltd. Company Food Producers Dominican Republic 11-Nov-2005