Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Modultec S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 26-Feb-2014
Tuinsa Norte, S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering Spain 26-Feb-2014
Blue Gold Desalacion S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Engineering Spain 26-Feb-2014
Construcciones Asensio, S.L. (COASA) Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 26-Feb-2014
Cadielsa Valladolid SLU Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 26-Feb-2014
Instalaciones y Montajes Albandi, S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 26-Feb-2014
Ennera Energy and Mobility Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Alternative Energy Spain 26-Feb-2014
Profesionales de Sistemas, Aplicaciones y Productos, S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Spain 26-Feb-2014
TYM, S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Spain 26-Feb-2014
Plaza Forwarding S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Transportation Spain 21-Feb-2014
Andaluza de Tratamientos de Higiene S.A. Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Spain 21-Feb-2014
EENI Global Business School Academic Not Applicable Spain 21-Feb-2014