Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Athens Water and Sewerage Company - EYDAP S.A. Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Greece 02-Jul-2008
Atradius NV Company Finance and credit services Netherlands 02-Jul-2008
MOBIS Co., Ltd. Company Automobiles & Parts Korea, Republic of 02-Jul-2008
Hyundai Motor Company Company Automobiles & Parts Korea, Republic of 02-Jul-2008
Hyundai Steel Company Company Industrial metals and mining Korea, Republic of 02-Jul-2008
KIA Motors Corporation Company Automobiles & Parts Korea, Republic of 02-Jul-2008
Xenios Zeus NGO Local Not Applicable Greece 02-Jul-2008
CARE Deutschland e.V. NGO Local Not Applicable Germany 01-Jul-2008
KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology Academic Not Applicable Denmark 01-Jul-2008
Club Serres for UNESCO NGO Local Not Applicable Greece 01-Jul-2008
NTT DATA Business Solutions Brazil Company Software & Computer Services Brazil 01-Jul-2008
Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Austria 01-Jul-2008