Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Fedracion Madrilena De Lucha Academic Not Applicable Spain 06-Feb-2018
Europastry, S.A. Company Food Producers Spain 06-Feb-2018
Flex Ltd Company Diversified United States of America 06-Feb-2018
Ronergy Services, S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 06-Feb-2018
Sorigue S.A.U. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Spain 06-Feb-2018
Directv Ecuador C. LTDA Company Media Ecuador 06-Feb-2018
Caja Los Andes Business Association Local Not Applicable Chile 06-Feb-2018
Helvetia Company Finance and credit services Switzerland 06-Feb-2018
SAF-Teso NGO Local Not Applicable Uganda 05-Feb-2018
be'ah Company Industrial Support Services Oman 05-Feb-2018
Cynapsys Inc Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Tunisia 05-Feb-2018
Genesis Analytics (Pty) Ltd Company Diversified South Africa 05-Feb-2018