Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Verkís Consulting Engineers Company Construction & Materials Iceland 14-May-2018
Balkantex Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Personal Goods Bulgaria 14-May-2018
Sartorius AG Company Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Germany 14-May-2018
Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Korea, Republic of 11-May-2018
Mastercard Company Software & Computer Services United States of America 11-May-2018
Quabitrol Valvulas e Acessorios Ltda. ME Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Brazil 10-May-2018
Ocean Network Express Pte Ltd Company Industrial Transportation Singapore 10-May-2018
SINERGIA AUDITORES, S.L Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Oil, gas, & coal Spain 10-May-2018
Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão - IDG NGO Global Not Applicable Brazil 10-May-2018
Daco Automation & Control Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electronic & Electrical Equipment Mexico 10-May-2018
Scania Comercial S.A. de C.V. Company Automobiles & Parts Mexico 10-May-2018
Montepel - Industria, Comercio e Reciclagem de Sucatas Ltda Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Brazil 10-May-2018