Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Guasave Academic Not Applicable Mexico 16-May-2018
Temp-Team Pte Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Singapore 16-May-2018
VitaEvents Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Spain 15-May-2018
As You Sow NGO Global Not Applicable United States of America 15-May-2018
Indian Progressive Youth Forum NGO Global Not Applicable India 15-May-2018
City West Water Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Australia 15-May-2018
Ecology Path Inc. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Japan 15-May-2018
Integrated Marketing Solutions Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Egypt 15-May-2018
LOYALTY COMPANY Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services France 14-May-2018
TBM Transferservice GmbH Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Germany 14-May-2018
WAT - WE ARE TOGETHER Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified France 14-May-2018
JB Financial Group Company Banks Korea, Republic of 14-May-2018