Name Type Sector Country Joined On
SweepSmart B.V. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Netherlands 18-Mar-2021
GrandVision NV Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Netherlands 15-Mar-2021
B&S Group S.A. Company Diversified Netherlands 11-Mar-2021
Upfield Group Company Food Producers Netherlands 26-Feb-2021
Nextview Consulting Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Netherlands 26-Feb-2021
LeasePlan Corporation N.V. Company Diversified Netherlands 16-Feb-2021
I+solutions Foundation Not Applicable Netherlands 16-Feb-2021
Zinnige Zaken Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Netherlands 08-Feb-2021
The Green Branch Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Netherlands 08-Feb-2021
Kies Mobility Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Automobiles & Parts Netherlands 26-Jan-2021
Weener Plastics Group BV Company General Industrials Netherlands 26-Jan-2021
Meerlanden Holding NV Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Netherlands 15-Jan-2021