Name Type Sector Country Joined On
FUNDACION PORFINSINDEUDAS S.A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
Construcciones y Prestaciones Petroleras S.A. CPP Company Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
LOS CHORIS CIA LTDA Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
EQUINOXAIR S.A.S. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
COMPAÑÍA MINERA MOLLOPONGO COMIMOLL S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
MINERA DE METÁLICOS COLIBRIMINING C.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial metals and mining Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
EXPORTADORA AURIFERA S.A. EXPAUSA Company Industrial metals and mining Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
EDIMCA C.A. Company Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
Fábrica de Envases S.A. FADESA Company Diversified Ecuador 13-Jan-2022
Fundación Prevención SAR Ecuador Foundation Not Applicable Ecuador 04-Jan-2022
CLORID S.A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Gas, Water & Multiutilities Ecuador 09-Dec-2021
FERTILIZANTES DEL PACÍFICO FERPACIFIC S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Ecuador 23-Nov-2021