Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Bim Cube LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Oil, gas, & coal Georgia 21-Jul-2021
Wine Yard N1 Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Travel & Leisure Georgia 15-Jul-2021
JSC Bank of Georgia Company Banks Georgia 15-Jul-2021
JSC Private Ambulance Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Georgia 14-Jul-2021
Sevsamora Resort and Spa Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Travel & Leisure Georgia 14-Jul-2021
BDO Georgia LLC Company Finance and credit services Georgia 01-Jul-2021
Believe Foundation Foundation Not Applicable Georgia 30-Jun-2021
Georgian Association of Women Auditors and Lawyers Business Association Local Not Applicable Georgia 30-Jun-2021
Manna LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers Georgia 30-Jun-2021
Element Construction LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Georgia 30-Jun-2021
Team Up Services LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Georgia 30-Jun-2021
Biodiesel Georgia LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Alternative Energy Georgia 30-Jun-2021