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Forward Faster

About This Episode

In a world marked by rising climate change and environmental challenges, the question is no longer if companies should take climate action but how. This is the essence of the podcast "Moving Business - Forward Faster" episode. 

In this episode, we are joined by Karen Basiye, the Director of Sustainable Business at Safaricom, a prominent network providing comprehensive voice, data, and M-PESA services. Basiye offers invaluable insights into the proactive measures her company is taking to integrate environmental goals seamlessly into its core business strategies.

Basiye emphasizes integrating environmental goals into the company's core business. Safaricom's strategy is to ensure business success and contribute to ecological sustainability. This includes ambitious targets such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which requires a thorough and thoughtful approach.

  • So, we've been on a journey for a more sustainable future at Safaricom. And our journey is as unique as it is intentional. It's about purpose, our people, and our planet before profits. So we've intentionally set that out, and our purpose is to transform lives. And this is where we've incorporated the sustainability strategy, which serves as the framework for everything and all our actions, and our board approved this, Basiye says.

But how is it possible to track a company’s actions?

  • At Safaricom, we took a methodology called the True Value methodology, which helps us quantify our organization's positive and negative impacts on society, the environment, and the economy. This allows us to combine financial earnings and then monetize the externality data to know where we are and our environmental impact. So, we don't use just one matrix for measurement, Basiye explains. 

Through their work, Safaricom illustrates how companies can play a vital role in tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. By integrating environmental goals into their business strategy, they demonstrate how companies can take a greener path. Listen to this episode to discover how your company can be profitable while caring for our planet.

In a world marked by rising climate change and environmental challenges, the question is no longer whether companies should take climate action but how. Safaricom's work illustrates how companies can play a vital role in tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. Find out how your company can be profitable while caring for our planet.

About Forward Faster

Pretty Paris
As we approach 2030, the private sector must employ a wide range of solutions to help get the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) back on track. To help companies take ambitious actions across five key action areas where the business community is uniquely positioned to advance sustainable development, the UN Global Compact unveiled the Forward Faster initiative: a guide on where companies can make the biggest, fastest impact before 2030. By committing to Forward Faster, companies are joining a movement of business leaders and innovators who are paving the way for a safer, more sustainable future.