Communication on Progress

  • 12-Nov-2020
Time period
  • September 2018  –  September 2020
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • 2020-09-16

    To our stakeholders:

    I am pleased to confirm that New Life Assistans AB reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

    Sincerely yours,

    Bashar Yousif
    CEO & Founder

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • New Life Assistance's Code of Conduct safeguards a long-term and sustainable relationship with each employee and believes in mutual respect between all the employees.

    We conduct our operations in Sweden in accordance with state laws and regulations. This means that we follow the statutes and regulations on, for example, working conditions, working environment and freedom of association that apply. We apply collective agreements in all our operations.

    All employees must be treated with respect and dignity. We at New Life believe that diversity is about similarities and differences. Our unique identities are created by the gender we have. Our age, ethnic and cultural background, our sexual orientation, whether we have a disability or not. Our gender identity and our gender expression, what education we have, family relationships, our values and so on.

    The important thing in a workplace is that all employees are given the conditions so that they can perform, and contribute to, their job as well as possible. In order to take advantage of the potential and benefits that diversity offers, New Life strives to create a mix of differences in our workplaces, but also to lead and manage differences, as well as to create an inclusive organization. We strive for both quantity and quality when it comes to diversity in our workplaces.

    Diversity means that in terms of quantity there is a mixture of the workforce in terms of gender, age, ethnic and cultural background, disabilities, transgender identity and expression, educational background, experiences and so on. The quality lies in creating an inclusive workplace where knowledge and experiences as employees, at different ages and with different backgrounds and education have, enrich and influence the development of the business.
    Both diversity and gender equality work in working life are based on UN declarations on human rights, as well as in Swedish and EU legislation, such as discrimination legislation.

    Gender equality in working life is defined as women and men having equal opportunities when it comes to getting a job, when employment and other working conditions are decided on, as well as equal opportunities for development opportunities in work. Gender equality is also usually divided into quantitative and qualitative gender equality. Quantitative equality means an even distribution between women and men. Qualitative gender equality means that both men's and women's knowledge, experiences and values are utilized and may enrich and influence development.

    No one may be discriminated against or harassed because of:

    - gender
    - transgender identity or expression
    - ethnicity
    - religion or other belief
    - disability
    - sexual orientation
    - age

    Equal treatment is therefore a matter of course and we strive for diversity. Harassment, bullying, threats, oppression or other abusive treatment shall not occur at New Life Assistance. Nor should anyone be discriminated against on the grounds of political commitment. However, there are political and religious expressions that are not compatible with New Life Assistance's values.

    New Life strives to create a work climate that promotes security, well-being and positive togetherness. Thus, all forms of abusive discrimination and discrimination run counter to New Life's values and can never be accepted. New Life works proactively to prevent risks of abusive discrimination. A starting point in this work is primarily to review the organizational conditions in the workplace. It is about how to organize your business, how to collaborate and communicate and how the work is led.

    New Life Assistance strives for an environment where employees are involved and have the opportunity to influence the business and their work. We must use a democratic approach in matters concerning the employees' ability to influence and we must ensure that dissent is respected.

    The work environment must be safe and healthy, both from a physical, mental and social point of view. It must comply with applicable laws and comply with our agreements. We work systematically and preventively to constantly improve the work environment and health.

    New Life Assistance must have competent leaders who can create a good work environment where our employees thrive and feel good. We must also offer skills development and our terms of employment must be market-based and in accordance with collective agreements.

    New Life Assistance is neutral in party political matters and never lends the company's name to political parties.

    New Life's overall goal is to be the first choice for everyone who wants to work with care and contribute to the attractiveness of the care industry. This means, among other things, that:
    - Everyone, employees, clients, customers and customers, should feel welcome with us and we should offer a workplace and business where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.
    - New Life has an ambition to increase the number of employees and managers based on our definition of diversity.
    - New Life will work to increase awareness of the benefits of diversity in the company and the opportunities that mixed work groups bring to the workplace.
    - New Life's workplaces must be free from harassment, abusive discrimination and discrimination.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • 1. Information and transparency
    New Life Assistance must comply with current legislation on confidentiality. It includes all sensitive and confidential information about New Life Assistance's customers, clients, clients and employees. It also includes all other business-related and share price-affecting information.
    We will treat the registration, archiving and use of data about customers, clients, clients and employees confidentially and in accordance with current legislation.
    Marketing and contacts with customers, clients and clients must be honest and not promise anything that does not correspond to reality.

    2. We must follow laws and statutes
    New Life Assistance must comply with statutes, ie laws, ordinances and regulations, in the countries where we operate. We regard these statutes, laws, ordinances and regulations as minimum requirements.

    3. Relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders
    New Life Assistance's operations must be characterized by high business ethics, good business practice, a sense of responsibility and impartiality. We must live up to the agreements and arrangements we have signed. They should be respected according to its spirit, not just its letter.
    We must treat our competitors in a correct way and at the same time take advantage of our competitive advantages. There must be no price collusion, cartel formation or abuse of market power.
    Employees may never use bribes or unauthorized compensation in any form. Every employee must always avoid risks of bribery and other inappropriate influences in their relationship with customers, suppliers and other external contacts. It is not permitted to request or promise anything in connection with gifts.
    Representation and gifts must be open, moderate and have a natural connection with the business relationship.

    4. Conflict of interest
    It is important that all employees manage personal and financial interests in a way that does not conflict with New Life Assistance's business operations. Every employee is obliged to:
    - inform their manager if the employee has another business or side job that may involve a risk of conflict of interest.
    - manage personal and financial interests so that they do not conflict with or may be perceived as conflicting with New Life Assistance's business operations.
    - notify your manager if the relationship with an external party constitutes a conflict of interest, for example if an employee is friends with an intended supplier. Then the process must be adapted to any conflict situations.
    Employees may not use the relationship with business partners for their own gain. Business partners can be, for example, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • We follow up that we work according to our code of conduct and our values by:
    - Measure the number of employees who undergo the compulsory training in the New Life Assistance Academy
    - Perform random checks in the operations through the usual internal control
    - Report the number of reported and rectified serious malpractices via the whistleblower function: All employees can report misconduct through a whistleblower function. This means that an employee can report something anonymously and that an independent person reviews the case. If an employee reports a misconduct, he has a pronounced protection against retaliation in accordance with the "Act (2016: 749) on special protection against retaliation for employees who sound the alarm about serious misconduct" or according to the law applied locally in the country where the business is located.

    New Life shall be an inclusive company and measures this by the following:
    - New Life's long-term goal is to achieve an even gender distribution in leading positions, ie that men and women are represented in the range 40 - 60%
    - New Life shall actively work to ensure diversity in leadership positions and set relevant goals to follow developments, such as internal goals to achieve in the long term that higher diversity of New Life's managers

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • The operations within New Life must be characterized by a healthy and safe work environment. This is achieved by our employees having good knowledge of work content, how the work tasks are to be performed at each affected workplace and sufficient competence to perform them, both from a work environment perspective and from a customer perspective. Employees should feel that their work effort is meaningful and developing.

    Work environment work must be promoting and preventive, rest on New Life's values and be integrated into daily work. We strive to promote job satisfaction through short decision paths, clear tasks and distributed responsibilities with clear mandates.

    In order to achieve a healthy and safe working environment, we must regularly work to eliminate risks of ill health and accidents. We work regularly and systematically to detect work environment risks and, based on that, develop various areas for improvement. The prerequisite for this is a clear distribution of work environment tasks, powers, resources and sufficient competence for the tasks to be performed. In collaboration with safety representatives and employees, we must continuously and consistently examine and risk assess working conditions and take the necessary measures to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, both physically, psychosocially and organisationally.

    New Life's overall goal is to be the first choice for everyone who wants to work with care and contribute to the attractiveness of the care industry. This means, among other things, that:
    - Offer a good physical, organizational and social work environment.
    - Work preventively and pursue a good working environment
    - Illuminate and maintain a positive work climate.
    - All operations within New Life must have their own work environment goals formulated based on the business's focus and New Life's work environment policy. Employees must be given the opportunity to participate in the formulation of the company's work environment goals.
    - As discussed in previous points New Life works actively to avoid or eliminate any form of discrimination in the organization.

    Our specific goals and policies as a personal assistent organization regarding the safety of our employees:

    In the LSS legislation, the goal is that personal assistance should provide good living conditions and that the person with a disability should be able to live like others in society. Good living conditions and being able to live like others are positive ambitions are basic human rights that apply to all people. Obstacles must be eliminated as far as possible. The fact that it is about rights means a societal priority, also when it comes to budget. Human rights for people with disabilities as well as to all of our employees in society are based on an ethic about the equal value of all people.

    At New Life, our employees are covered by KFOs collective agreement. The agreement regulates such things as occupational pension, working hours, holidays, salary supplements during parental leave and illness, insurance and co-determination. If our employees suffer an occupational injury, they can receive compensation, such as loss of income, cost of medical care, burning and pain and more.

    Salary and ancillary salary costs for the assistant shall cover basic salary, statutory social security contributions, sick pay, special payroll tax, holiday pay, Ob supplement, on-call and contingency pay, overtime and overtime pay, allowances, holiday pay in the event of holiday pay-based absence, insurance under similar agreements or collective agreements. the shop stewards Act (1974: 358) and the Work Environment Act (1977: 1160), dismissal pay and salary during leave as well as other contractual costs. Training costs for the assistants shall cover salary for introduction, supervision, training, continuing and further education and supervision, costs for teachers / lecturers, room costs, costs for training of administrative staff and supervisors and staff consultation.

    The assistants' expenses shall cover travel, work clothes, entrance fees and similar costs for the assistant in activities together with the person entitled to compensation.

    Administrative costs shall cover salaries for administrative staff, travel allowances and allowances for administrative staff, premises costs, operating costs, inventory costs, auditing, business insurance, fees to employer or industry organization, staff care and recruitment costs.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • Any misconduct within our organisation is reported by following the principals of Lex Sara, the name of ch. 14 section 3 of the Social Services Act. New Life employees report misconduct and significant risks of misconduct to the operations manager. The operations manager is responsible for ensuring that what is reported is investigated, documented and remedied. As far as possible, the course of events and the factors that influenced the course are clarified. If a misconduct is serious, the operations manager reports to IVO (The Health and Care Inspectorate).
    By being transparent, we show how we have acted in the situations that have arisen, and what we can learn from each individual case. We work to prevent serious risks, but when they arise we want to be open for others to learn. We believe that openness is a key to success.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • Our organization shall strive for satisfied employees and achieve an industry-leading Satisfied Employee Index (NMI). Potentially, additional measures varying over time will be used depending on need.

    Work preventively and pursue a good working environment
    - Health attendance among New Life's employees must be at least 95% over time

    Illuminate and maintain a positive work climate
    - Implement a positive protection round in all homes and day activities with an implementation at least once a year to, among other things, identify and share best practice. Over time, we follow up the number of implementations annually.

    - Managers in New Life work for a safe and secure work environment and have a continuous dialogue with employees to capture risks and prevent ill health. This is done in various forums, such as workplace meetings and individual conversations.
    - As an employee, one has an obligation to follow the routines and guidelines that exist. The employee also has a responsibility on a daily basis to call for deficiencies in the work environment.
    - New Life takes responsibility for a whistleblower function where employees and managers can anonymously report serious misconduct.

    Working methods for a good working environment:
    - Attention in the everyday life of all employees is an important guiding star in our work environment work. Each employee reports to the immediate supervisor the risks, deficiencies or other malpractices that may occur in the workplace.
    - All employees form part of each other's work environment and have a responsibility to contribute to a good and safe work environment. This by following regulations, identifying and reporting risks / incidents and treating each other with joy, commitment and responsibility.
    - All employees must know what tasks they are to perform, results that are to be achieved with the work, if there are special ways in which the work is to be performed and if so how, which tasks are to be prioritized if time is not enough and who they can turn to to get help and support to carry out the work.
    - Our operations must have work environment goals and planning for the systematic work environment work. The manager is responsible for preparing an annual plan together with the safety representative and clarifying this for the employees.
    - We investigate, identify and remedy risks in our operations, among other things through safety rounds, employee interviews, employee surveys, workplace meetings, follow-up and investigation of sick leave as well as handling incidents and occupational injuries.
    - Work environment issues are handled in collaboration between employers, employees and employee organizations.
    - Safety representatives represent their colleagues in work environment issues for a good work environment in collaboration with the manager. The employer must notify the safety representative in the event of changes that are important for the working environment

    Most complaints are received from customers or relatives of customers. We always strive to be better at what we do and that everyone in our business is treated with respect. We make sure that our customers receive the care they are entitled to. Therefore, it is invaluable for us to get views and opinions on our activities.

    We follow up that our work according to our code of conduct and our values by:
    - Perform random checks in the operations through the usual internal control
    - Report the number of reported and rectified serious malpractices via the whistleblower function

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility. New Life strives to promote all three parts that make up sustainability through long-term and good housekeeping; environmental, social and economic. New Life conducts a business that is permeated by environmental considerations.

    New Life must manage resources and, as far as possible, use renewable natural resources. New Life shall work to protect the environment by preventing or minimizing the business' impact on the environment. New Life's environmental work is based on the gradual improvement of the business. The many small everyday environmental measures are at least as important as major changes. The sum of all measures must be characterized by preventive continuous environmental work.

    New Life's environmental work is covered by two principles. The exchange principle means that poorer technology and environmentally hazardous substances are continuously replaced by more resource-efficient technology and more environmentally friendly substances. The precautionary principle aims to avoid activities or products that may be hazardous to the environment without there being complete evidence that it is dangerous.

    New Life's services and actions towards customers and suppliers must be characterized by our environmental policy and form the basis for imposing higher environmental requirements on ourselves and our suppliers.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • New Life's overall environmental goal is to be a company that is associated with active environmental work by customers, clients, employees, investors and the general public. We must meet the requirements of clients and authorities regarding environmental issues.

    There are two main areas of action in the environmental area according to which New Life's operations are to be conducted:

    1. Climate efficient (energy consumption, transport, food)

    The fact that the business must be conducted in a climate-efficient manner means, among other things, that we must continuously strive to:
    - reduce energy consumption
    a. We will continue our work to reduce our energy consumption through information and training of employees.
    b. New Life's properties must be managed efficiently and environmentally.
    c. The business's properties shall be gradually supplied with renewable electricity.
    d. Set requirements for energy performance in new construction and major rebuilding.
    - reduce the environmental impact of transport by prioritizing travel-free working methods, as well as travel by train in front of air and car. To the extent that cars are used, these must be classified as green cars.
    - increase the use of organic or locally produced foods

    2. Resource efficient (recycling thinking, waste management, efficient resource management)
    New Life's operations must be conducted resource-efficiently. We will:
    • use finite resources with frugality and have a circular thinking.
    • minimize the amount of waste and emissions to air and water - with regard to quantity and environmental hazard.
    • streamline material consumption.

    Lastly, our main goal in 2020-21 is to learn more about how we could achieve and improve our goals via participation in Global Compact.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • New Life estimates that our biggest contribution in terms of climate is in reducing fossil carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, we will centrally measure the following:

    - Use of renewable electricity
    - The main agreement in Sweden is 100% renewable electricity (2017) and gradual connection will take place in all countries and for newly acquired units.
    - Carbon dioxide emissions for New Life's buildings, cars and travel
    - Determine relevant key figures, base years and targets from 2020 onwards

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • New Life´s operations must be characterized by high business ethics, good business practice, a sense of responsibility and impartiality. We must live up to the agreements and arrangements we have signed. They should be respected according to its spirit, not just its letter.
    We must treat our competitors in a correct way and at the same time take advantage of our competitive advantages. There must be no price collusion, cartel formation or abuse of market power.

    Employees may never use bribes or unauthorized compensation in any form. Every employee must always avoid risks of bribery and other inappropriate influences in their relationship with customers, suppliers and other external contacts. It is not permitted to request or promise anything in connection with gifts.
    Representation and gifts must be open, moderate and have a natural connection with the business relationship.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • The Code of Conduct regulates that employees within the organization must always avoid risks of bribery and other inappropriate influences in their external relationships. Representation and gifts must be characterized by openness, moderation and always have a natural connection with the business relationship.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • No case of corruption was discovered in recent years.