Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2022 da Cresol

  • 15-Dec-2023
Time period
  • January 2022  –  December 2022
  • Part of another type of report
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • The COE contains a description of the practical actions that the organization has taken to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative.
  • Build dialogue with companies and NGOs involved in the Global Compact

  • Examine company performance and rights on sustainability issues

  • Other actions to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative

    Existe todo o processo de Materialidade da Cresol, descrito no Relatório de Sustentabilidade GRI, bem como as ações, diretrizes e projetos que a Instituição implementa de acordo com os Princípios e Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU.

  • Participate in Global Compact Local Networks