COE Sebrae Pará 2020 - 2022

  • 05-Jun-2023
Time period
  • June 2020  –  May 2022
  • Stand alone document
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • The COE contains a description of the practical actions that the organization has taken to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative.
  • Other actions to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative

    Atrair novos participantes para o Pacto Global da ONU por meio de seus esforços de divulgação e conscientização

  • Attracting new participants to the UN Global Compact through their outreach efforts and awareness raising

  • Organizing learning and dialogue events, workshops and training for their members on the UN Global Compact and specific topics relevant to corporate sustainability

  • Providing their expertise and / or the voice of their members to Global Compact working groups and special initiatives.

  • Engaging their members in collective action efforts on Global Compact-related issues

  • Hosting the secretariat for a Global Compact Local Network