2016 Communication on Engagement
- Participant
- Published
- 17-Mar-2016
- Time period
- March 2014 – March 2016
- Files
- COE_2016.pdf (English)
- Who_Framed_Global_Development.pdf (English)
- Links
- http://empathysurplus.com/ungc_coe/?recruiter_id=2 (English)
- (English)
- http://empathysurplus.com/ungc_coe/?recruiter_id=2 (English)
- http://empathysurplus.com/ungc_coe/?recruiter_id=2 (English)
- Format
- Stand alone document
- Self-assessment
- Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
- Includes a measurement of outcomes
- Actions
- The COE contains a description of the practical actions that the organization has taken to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative.
Engage with Global Compact Local Networks
Join and/or propose partnership projects on corporate sustainability
Engage companies in Global Compact-related issues
Participate in Global Compact global, and local events
Other actions to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative
Invited local municipalities to join the Global Compact.
Join and/or support special initiatives and work streams
Provide commentary to companies on Communications on Progress