Communication on progress 2003

  • 24-May-2004
Time period
  • October 2004  –  October 2004
  • ICI''s 2003 Annual Review and 2003 Sustainability Report has been used to communicate progress to shareholders and other stakeholders. The 2003 Sustainability Report and the Sustainability section of the website contain detailed information the company approach and performance in the areas: Corporate governance, Environment, Employee health, safety and employment issues, Communities, Customers and Suppliers, and engaging with stakeholders.

    There is a special section on the website which summarizes the activity and progress in support of the nine principles of the Global Compact.


    There is a special section on the website which summarises the activity and progress in support of the nine principles of the Global Compact.

Principles covered
  • Principle 1 - Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
  • Principle 2 - Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses
  • Principle 6 - Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
  • Principle 7 - Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
  • Principle 8 - Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  • Principle 9 - Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
  • English