Communication on progress 2006
- Participant
- Published
- 29-May-2007
- Time period
- January 2006 – December 2006
- Links
- Description
A member since 2003, the Group has once again reiterated its commitment to the United Nations' Global Compact and published its Progress Report (See Vision, challenges and commitments > Commitment).
The policies and initiatives that comply with the principles provided for by the Pact are indicated by the symbol 'Global compact', although the icon bears no legal or regulatory value.
The cross-reference index (See Investors and analysts > Cross-reference index) also provides an overview of the CSR website according to the 10 governing principles of the Global Compact.
In order to reinforce this commitment, the Group has:
- integrated the principles of the Global Compact within the guidelines that it issues to suppliers;
- implemented procedures to ensure the respect of human rights in all project financing;
- established rules governing its operations in "sensitive" .countries.
Indeed, banking activities may only be developed in sensitive countries if they meet the needs of a local customer base.
Generally-speaking, Société Générale Group is committed to promoting the best social practices possible in each of the countries in which it is established, including in developing countries and/or those countries considered to be sensitive in light of their human rights record. These practices include ongoing training, the promotion of local young executives (including female staff), medical insurance that exceeds legal obligations or standard practices at a local level and the adoption of a global share ownership program, etc.
In 2006, the Group reinforced its commitments to two more specific priorities: the fight against climatic change with the signing and application of the Carbon Disclosure Project to the entire Group and the signing, by SGAM, of the Principles of Responsible Investment.
Within the Group, Société Générale sets its own corporate and social responsibility policy targets. Each year, it reviews the progress made and updates these targets for the years to come.
- Principles covered
- Principle 8 - Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
- Principle 9 - Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
- Languages
- English