2010 Communication on Progress
- Participant
- Published
- 08-Nov-2011
- Time period
- January 2010 – December 2010
- Files
- informe_Metro_Bilbao_SA_2010.pdf (Spanish)
- Format
- Stand alone document
- Differentiation Level
- This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Advanced level
- Self-assessment
- Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
- Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
- Includes a measurement of outcomes
- Meets all criteria for the GC Advanced level
Issue Area Coverage
(self-assessed) -
- Strategy, Governance
and Engagement - Criterion 1: The COP describes C-suite and Board level discussions of strategic aspects of Global Compact implementation
Key performance indicators to measure progress
Impact of broader sustainability trends on the long-term prospects and financial performance of the organisation
Major sustainability risks and opportunities in the near to medium term (3-5 years)
Social and environmental impact of the organization’s activities
Overall strategy to manage sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities in the near to medium term (3-5 years)
Major successes and failures during the reporting period
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 2: The COP describes effective decision-making processes and systems of governance for corporate sustainability
Corporate governance structure (Board of Directors or equivalent) and its role in oversight of corporate sustainability implementation in line with Global Compact principles
Involvement and accountability of management (C-suite) in corporate sustainability strategy and implementation in line with Global Compact principles
Evaluation and executive incentive structures promoting sustainability strategy in line with Global Compact principles
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 3: The COP describes engagement with all important stakeholders
Process of incorporating stakeholder input into corporate strategy and business decision making
List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation
Process for stakeholder identification and engagement
Outcome of stakeholder involvement
- UN Goals and Issues
- Criterion 4: The COP describes actions taken in support of broader UN goals and issues
Partnership projects and collective actions in support of UN goals and issues
Adoption or modification of business strategy and operating procedures to maximize contribution to UN goals and issues
Development of products, services and business models that contribute to UN goals and issues
Social investments and philanthropic contributions that tie in with the organization’s core competencies, operating context and sustainability strategy
Public advocacy on the importance of one or more UN goals and issues
- Human Rights
- Criterion 7: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of human rights integration
Process to deal with incidents
System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Disclosure of main incidents involving the company
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 8: The COP contains standardized performance indicators (including GRI) on human rights
Outcomes of risk and impact assessments
Outcomes of internal awareness-raising and training efforts
Outcomes of mechanisms for reporting concerns or seeking advice
Percentage of contracts with business partners guaranteeing minimum human rights standards
Outcome of audits or other steps to monitor and improve the performance in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 6: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the human rights principles
Risk and impact assessments in the area of human rights
Regular stakeholder consultations in the area of human rights
Internal awareness-raising and training on human rights for management and employees
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice
Inclusion of minimum human rights standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the human rights performance of companies in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 5: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of human rights
Written company policy (e.g., in code of conduct) on human rights
Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments (e.g. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR))
Reflection on the relevance of human rights for the company
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organization
Specific commitments and goals for specified years
Other established or emerging best practices
- Labour
- Criterion 11: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of labour principles integration
Process to deal with incidents
System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Disclosure of main incidents involving the company
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 12: The COP contains standardized performance indicators (including GRI) on labour principles integration
Outcomes of risk and impact assessments
Outcomes of internal awareness-raising and training efforts
Outcomes of mechanisms for reporting concerns or seeking advice
Percentage of contracts with business partners guaranteeing minimum labour standards
Outcome of audits or other steps to monitor and improve performance in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 10: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the labour principles
Risk and impact assessments in the area of labour
Internal awareness-raising and training on the labour principles for management and employees
Regular stakeholder consultations in the area of labour
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice
Inclusion of minimum labour standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the labour performance of companies in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 9: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of labour
Written company policy (e.g., in code of conduct) on labour
Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments (e.g. ILO Core Conventions)
Reflection on the relevance of the labour principles for the company
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organisation
Specific commitments and goals for specified years
Other established or emerging best practices
- Environment
- Criterion 15: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for environmental stewardship
Process to deal with incidents
System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Disclosure of main incidents involving the company
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 16: The COP contains standardized performance indicators (including GRI) on environmental stewardship
Percentage of contracts with business partners guaranteeing minimum environmental standards
Outcomes of risk and impact assessments and measurements of environmental footprint
Outcomes of internal awareness-raising and training efforts
Outcomes of mechanisms reporting concerns or seeking advice
Outcome of audits or other steps to monitor and improve performance in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 14: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the environmental principles
Environmental risk and impact assessments
Internal awareness-raising and training on environmental stewardship for management and employees
Regular stakeholder consultations on environmental impact
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice regarding environmental impacts
Inclusion of minimum environmental standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the environmental performance of companies in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 13: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of environmental stewardship
Written company policy on environmental stewardship
Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments (e.g. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development)
Reflection on the relevance of environmental stewardship for the company
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organisation
Specific commitments and goals for specified years
Other established or emerging best practices
- Anti-Corruption
- Criterion 19: The COP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption
Process to deal with incidents
System to track and measure performance on corruption based on standardized performance metrics
Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
Disclosure of main incidents involving the company
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 20: The COP contains standardized performance indicators (including GRI) on anti-corruption
Outcomes of risk and impact assessments
Outcomes of internal awareness-raising efforts and training for management and employees
Outcomes of mechanisms for reporting concerns or seeking advice
Percentage of contracts with business partners guaranteeing minimum anti-corruption standards
Outcome of audits or other steps to monitor and improve performance in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 18: The COP describes effective management systems to integrate the anti-corruption principle
Risk and impact assessments in the area of anti-corruption
Regular stakeholder consultations in the area of anti-corruption
Internal awareness-raising and training on anti-corruption efforts for management and employees
Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice on corruption
Inclusion of minimum anti-corruption standards in contracts with suppliers and other relevant business partners
Audits or other steps to monitor corruption and improve the performance of companies in the supply chain
Other established or emerging best practices
- Criterion 17: The COP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of anti-corruption
Written company policy on anti-corruption (e.g., in code of conduct)
Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments (e.g. UN Convention Against Corruption)
Reflection on the relevance of anti-corruption for the company
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability regarding corruption within the organisation
Specific commitments and goals for specified years
Other established or emerging best practices
- Value Chain
Implementation - Criterion 21: The COP describes implementation of the Global Compact principles in the value chain
Value chain risk assessment to identify potential issues with suppliers and other business partners
Policy on value chain, including a policy for suppliers and subcontractors
Description of raw materials and (semi-) finished products used, by country or region of origin
Description of key suppliers, subcontractors and other business partners involved in the value chain
Communication of relevant policies/codes, positions or concerns to suppliers and other business partners
Audits/screenings for compliance in value chain
Allocation of responsibility in the value chain and procedures to remedy any non-compliance issues
Other established or emerging best practices
- Verification and
Transparency - Criterion 22: The COP provides information on the company's profile and context of operation
Legal structure, including any group structure and ownership
Countries where the organisation operates, with either major operations or operations that are specifically relevant to sustainability
Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries)
Primary brands, products, and/or services
Direct and indirect economic value generated for various stakeholders (employees, owners, government, lenders, etc.)
- Criterion 24: The COP is independently verified by a credible third-party
Reviewed by peers (e.g. Global Compact Local Network)
Independently verified against assurance standard (e.g. AA1000 Assurance Standard, ISAE 3000)
Verified by independent auditors
Reviewed by a multi-stakeholder panel
Verified through other form of independent verification
- Criterion 23: The COP incorporates high standards of transparency and disclosure
COP includes comparison of key performance indicators for the previous 2-3 years
COP uses the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
COP qualifies for Level B or above of the GRI application levels
COP includes comparison of key performance indicators with peer companies
Other established or emerging best practices