Communication on Progress 2022

  • 02-Nov-2022
Time period
  • November 2021  –  November 2022
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • I am pleased to confirm that One United Properties reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

    Sincerely yours,
    Victor Capitanu
    Executive Member of the Board of Directors

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • Our efforts as an employer, business partner, and a public company have always centered on ensuring safe, suitable, and sanitary work facilities for all our employees and collaborators, as well as championing equality. Principles shall never be compromised. Therefore, as part of our sustainability strategy, we pledge that not only us, but also all our suppliers, adhere to respecting human rights, highest occupational health, and safety norms, as well as ethical standards. We encourage our employees to report suspected violations of human rights policy and ensure confidentiality.

    All of our suppliers are required to comply with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which defines the core values of ethics and conduct that the Company wishes to share with all its suppliers, to develop long-term partnerships based on mutual respect and compliance with applicable legal provisions. The Code of Conduct also requires adhering to the anti-corruption and human rights principles.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • We protect workers from workplace harassment, including physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse, or threats.

    We are in the process of implementing the whistleblowing policy, which will outline a system for reporting irregularities that will allow employees to inform anonymously about observed unethical or illegal activities that violate the law. The system will operate in cooperation with an external provider.

    Our company has a Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which is divided into 5 sections covering labor law and respect for human rights (which covers non-discrimination, prevention of undeclared work, prevention of forced labor and trafficking in human beings, protection of young people, work schedule, salaries and benefits, freedom of association), occupational health and safety (which covers labor protection, physical work, facilities, emergency preparedness, first aid, preparation for disease prevention, occupational health and safety policies), ethical values (covering business integrity, avoidance of Conflict of Interest, non-solicitation, intellectual property, confidentiality of data and information, anticorruption, fair competition, protecting those who report irregularities), environment protection (which covers environmental permits, pollution avoidance, resource efficiency, management of emissions of hazardous or polluting substances, disposals) as well as reporting nonconformities.

    All our suppliers whenever they sign a contract, they will declare that they obey the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, including the respect for human rights, including that they do not use slave labor, and that they respect workers’ rights including the right to association.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • As a public company, we must meet the needs of all our shareholders who strive for governance, accountability, and integrity. We are strongly preoccupied with managing risks related to the ESG aspects to ensure the resilience of our business. In this context, we measure various aspects regarding governance matters, including the number of confidentiality of information breaches, GDPR infringements, sexual harassment, discrimination, and corruption cases.

    We encourage our employees to report suspected violations of human rights policy and ensure confidentiality. In 2021, there were no human rights violations at One United Properties.

    All of our contractors are required to observe high ethical standards, including adhering to the anti-corruption and human rights principles, as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. In 2021, there were no controversies nor identified issues related to the non-fulfillment of the Code of Conduct for the Suppliers. However, it is beyond our capacity to verify the working conditions of all the companies we work with on projects other than One United Properties’.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • We operate based on ethics, integrity, and responsibility. All these values are equally applicable to our employees as well as business partners. For Employees and Collaborators, the Company has developed a Code of Conduct that promotes the development of professional skills at the level of each employee, stimulating team spirit by supporting loyal competitiveness, initiatives, professional autonomy, affirmation of honesty and attachment to the Company, within the framework of a positive work climate. The Code of Conduct also defines how to act in situations of conflict of interest, corruption, irregularities, proposals, or cooperation with questionable partners.

    Integrity is one of the fundamental values of One United Properties. It must be included in the value system of the persons operating within all the Group’s entities, in their attitudes and actions, so that the Group and its affiliates undertake to comply with all legal rules regarding integrity and do not tolerate the commission of acts incompatible with these values. As part of this commitment, all forms of corruption, fraud or conflicts of interest will be treated seriously and in accordance with the Company’s Policy.

    One United Properties strives to provide a safe environment for all its employees and collaborations, free from discrimination, intimidation and / or harassment in the workplace. To achieve this goal, the Company undertakes to comply with all legal provisions regarding harassment and discrimination. The employees can report cases of sexual harassment, mobbing, and discrimination to the HR Director.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • We ensure equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their gender, and promote women’s advancement in the workplace and we established a Code of Conduct, which covers, among others, the Sexual Harassment policy, providing a safe environment for all its employees and collaborators, free from discrimination, intimidation and/or harassment in the workplace. We offer to all employees full and productive employment under equal pay, ensuring that employment-related decisions are based on relevant and objective criteria.

    One United Properties promotes the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic, or any other status. The Company ensures that the company does not participate in any form of forced or bonded labour and complies with minimum wage standards. Also, One United Properties carefully selects its contractors and suppliers, working with partners that adhere to its values based on diversity and inclusion.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • As of December 31st, 2021, the Group had 88 employees, all of whom are based in One United Properties’ head office in Bucharest, Romania. In parallel, One United Properties permanently cooperated with 69 experts and advisors. As of December 31st, 2021, 56% of all the employees and 36% of collaborators were women.

    The Company had a total of 26 managers and executive directors (excluding Board Members), and 27% of the managers were women. All of the employees and managers at One United Properties were Romanian, while on the Board of Directors sat one foreign director. At the level of the Board of Directors, 14% of the Board of Directors of One United Properties were female directors.

    91% of employees who are working for One United Properties had indefinite contract, with 99% of employees working under a definite contract as of December 31st, 2021. 94% of employees were full-time, and 6% were part-time employees. The part-time employees receive the same benefits as the full-time employees.

    The average age of employees was 35-40 years, with majority of employees, 68% being between 30-50 years old. The company had as of December 31st, 2021, 30% of employees below 30 and 2% above 50 years old. In terms of collaborators, 83% were between 30-50 years old, 10% above 50 and 7% below 30.

    Out of all employees, 95% had a university degree, with other 5% holding as of the end of 2021 the high school diploma. One United Properties has among its employees University students who hold junior roles within the company, who are currently in the process of obtaining their university degree.

    The dynamics of the number of employees were positive, registering an increase of 26% compared to 2020. Out of 22 employees that left One United Properties in 2021, 64% were women and 36% were men.

    Out of the new hires (40 persons), 53% were women and 47% were men. The Company does not track its employee’s religious affiliation thus it does not hold any statistics in this regard. At the level of One United Properties and its subsidiaries there are no organized unions and so far, no collective bargaining agreements have been concluded.

    In 2021, there were no injuries and no work-related fatalities reported during work by One United Properties employees, as well as no occupational accidents or fatalities by the One United Properties employees.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • For each new community developed, we feel responsible for neighborhoods and their smooth functioning. Therefore, we invest in developing necessary infrastructure and solutions that will not only be used by inhabitants and customers of One United Properties, but the community as a whole. These investments are directly or indirectly related to our projects but overall, they serve the entire community by improving the road network, appearance, functionality, and safety in the city. We see a significant opportunity in preventing the urban sprawl as well as a shift from mono-functionality developments towards mixed-use functions. We believe in conscious urban planning that can increase the cities’ density, preventing further sprawl into the suburbs which increases traffic congestion and consequently pollution. Bucharest is already in the top 10 most congested cities in the world, and therefore as a developer, it is our duty to build connected cities that offset the negative effect that car traffic has on the local communities.

    One United Properties has pioneered the development of the mixed-use development concept in Romania, being the most important player in this segment in Romania. Examples of mixed-use developments of One United Properties include One Floreasca City, as well as One Cotroceni Park.

    One Floreasca City is a multifunctional real estate development which integrates the residential, office and commercial component all in one location, on the grounds of the former Ford car factory. One Floreasca City offers to its residents a large variety of integrated amenities: restaurants, coffee shops, green spaces, playground for children, high-end offices, three underground parking levels, and amazing views over Floreasca Park.

    Mixed-use developments work against the trends of building sprawling cities and instead, they help create inclusive, connected communities. In mixed-use areas, inhabitants can find housing, restaurants, services, schools, green spaces, cultural and entertainment facilities, and more. The main vision for One United Properties developments has been focused on customer proximity, community building, urban regeneration, sustainability, and environmental protection.

    In the plot-purchasing strategy, One United Properties always focuses on identifying the large plots of land where urban scale, multi-functional projects can be designed. We always aim to deliver developments with complete social infrastructure, that includes green areas, shops, and restaurants, roads, sidewalks, and city furniture. By developing mixed-used buildings, One United Properties contributes to building healthier communities, and reducing neighborhood’s carbon footprint. By limiting car usage and street congestion and in turn promoting pedestrian and bike travel, mixed-use communities minimize air pollution and promote energy conservation.

    Mixed-use developments of One United Properties place residential, recreational, and commercial spaces all within proximity where residents can walk, cycle, or use public transportation to travel wherever they need to go – shifting the focus of urban design away from cars and towards people. Owning to the mixed-use developments of One United Properties, Bucharest gains new public spaces.  

    One United Properties’ priority is the constant improvement of ONE’s developments’ parameters to better serve the environment and consequently the communities. Each year the Company invests in reducing the negative environmental impact of its developments and optimizing environmental compliance. One United Properties innovates by using refined materials, improving its processes, and always striving to educate its partners and inhabitants. We also ensure the use of innovative green energy and technology solutions in its developments, such as geothermal heat pumps for residential developments, or energy-recuperating elevators in office buildings, in order to build energetically independent buildings.

    All office buildings developed by One United Properties are certified or pre-certified under WELL Health and Safety and LEED Platinum certification by the US Green Building Council, one of the most demanding certifications on the environmental impact and performance. In addition, the sustainability goal of the office portfolio is to become fully carbon neutral by end of 2022, undergoing LEED ZERO CARBON certification for all new office assets.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • One United Properties builds modern and accessible developments - ensuring that the road infrastructure benefits the whole neighborhood, and promoting pedestrian, bike, and scooter travel.

    One United Properties aligns with the applicable regulations, by ensuring that all its developments have a minimum of 30% energy from renewable sources. The Company invests in innovative water and sewage management solutions that help its customers cut future costs, while ensuring responsible waste management – at the stage of construction, as well as after delivery to the customer.

    We build buildings that last, using quality materials that are made to withstand the test of time and invest in educating our employees, customers, and business partners so they build knowledge and capacity to meet the challenges and opportunities brought by climate change.

    All of One United Properties’ residential developments are “Green Homes” certified by the RBGC (Romanian Council for Green Buildings). This requires full compliance with the following environmental criteria:
    • sorting for recycling on-site;
    • reducing the heat effect through light-colored roofing and terraced spaces; the optimization of water consumption through efficient irrigation;
    • connected to smart BMS systems;
    • efficient low-flow sanitary units;
    • the elimination of light pollution by the installation of LED lamps;
    • the use of sustainable building materials such as brick (Caparol <1 g / l compared to the standard 30 g/l);
    • education for sustainable operating scales of the building (energy efficiency, waste sorting, compost, etc.).

    One of the sustainability goals of One United Properties is to develop areas that were previously abandoned and forgotten, having a significant negative impact on the city. As part of the strategy, One United Properties strives to return these formerly bustling areas back to the public circuit. Urban regeneration has a particular focus on the rehabilitation of the high-density urban land areas and upgrading them to serve the city inhabitants.

    Landmark urban regeneration developments of One United Properties include:
    • One Floreasca City: based on the grounds of the Former Ford factory, One Floreasca City brought to Bucharest the redevelopment of Automatica park, the widening of the road area, the promenade area together with commercial spaces open to the public, and parking spaces in the basement of the project, thus allowing pedestrians access to the neighborhood.

    • One Herastrau Towers: benefiting from a great location at the confluence of two large residential areas in Northern Bucharest, the ensemble was designed as a gateway to the city, meant to restore in Aviației district an area abandoned for over 30 years, which was a massive, ruined structure from before 1989s, which One United Properties developed. The urban regeneration model was based on mixed-use development, activating in addition to the residential area, a commercial and office component, thus reviving a discontinuous urban area, bringing added value to the whole neighborhood and the skyline of Bucharest.

    • One Cotroceni Park: the largest urban regeneration project in Romania, based at a former industrial platform and which will bring added value to the whole Cotroceni quarter of Bucharest, expanding the city lines.

    An important part of urban regeneration also includes the restoration of important, abandoned historical buildings. One United Properties entered this segment in September 2021, following the acquisition of the One Athenee, also known as historical Braikoff House located next to the Romanian Atheneum. The building, classified as a historical monument, will be entirely renovated by One United Properties. After completing the restoration process, the location will host exclusive commercial spaces, overlooking the Romanian Athenaeum. One Athenee is the first development of One United Properties that includes the restoration of a historical monument with the purpose of protecting and regenerating the cultural heritage of Romania’s capital.

    The long-term vision of One United Properties considers further actions in this area, with a goal to protect and regenerate the cultural heritage of Bucharest. In this context, in 2022, One United Properties has acquired the former Ford factory, which will also be restored and will host a new commercial gallery, called One Gallery.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • For each real estate development, the Company measures the following elements:
    • during the construction phase – waste generated during construction, waste management, use of recycled materials, deforestation, construction safety (occupational accidents or fatalities);
    • during the post-delivery phase – estimated energy consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption, and sewage.

    At the level of construction phase, in 2021, approximately 65% of the waste generated on the nine construction sites where One United Properties developed in 2021 was diverted – reused, recycled, or repurposed, instead of being buried in the landfill.

    In 2021, neither One United Properties nor any of the companies that are part of One United Properties Group received significant fines for non-compliance with the environmental laws and regulations.

    When adhering to the UN Global Compact, pledged to report annually on sustainability aspects. Consequently, the company has published 2020 Sustainability Report on 30.12.2021, and 2021 Sustainability Report on 07.07.2022, both documents being available for stakeholders on Company’s website, The 2022 Sustainability Report of One United Properties will be published in H1 2023. In these reports, stakeholders can find details of the environmental aspects related to the development of different assets by One United Properties.

    In terms of corporate social responsibility, in 2021 alone, One United Properties donated 1.4 million euro to supporting local associations and charitable projects. The company's CSR strategy is oriented around three verticals: urban regeneration and environmental protection, where the One United Properties made total donations of 1.1 million euros; education, sports and entrepreneurship, where the support amounted to 250K euro; healthcare and research, where the company donated 17.5K euro last year to several causes.

    At the beginning of 2022, One United Properties launched a partnership with Veolia to bring to future developments: One Lake District, One High District, One Lake Club and One Peninsula, the most advanced and environmentally friendly source of energy – the geothermal heat pumps.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • Acts of corruption can adversely affect the Company's business. One United Properties has a zero-tolerance policy regarding corruption, including extortion and bribery, and it obliges all employees to comply with all legal rules regarding corruption. As part of this commitment, all forms of corruption are treated seriously and in accordance with the Anti-corruption policy, to which all the employees and collaborators are bound. All employees were informed about the anti-corruption policies and procedures, this being standard procedure for new hires.

    The anti-corruption policy is included in the Integrity Policy of the company where all forms of corruption, fraud or conflicts of interest will be treated seriously and in accordance with the Company’s Policy. For the relationship with the suppliers, the Code of Conduct for suppliers prohibits in any and all form the bribery, corruption and influence trafficking.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • One United Properties has established a Code of Conduct, which covers, among others, the Anti-corruption and Integrity policies.

    The Anti-corruption policy outlines the Company's zero-tolerance policy regarding corruption, including extortion and bribery, and obliges all employees to comply with all legal rules regarding corruption. All employees are informed about the anti-corruption policies and procedures, which is standard for new hires.

    The Integrity policy states that the Company undertakes to comply with all legal rules regarding integrity and does not tolerate the commission of acts incompatible with this value.

    All of the Company’s suppliers are required to agree with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which outlines adhering to the anti-corruption and human rights principles. The relationship between the Company and its suppliers is governed by the following general principles: the prohibition of any form of bribery, corruption, and influence trafficking.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • 100% of our operations (business units) were assessed for corruption risk and in 2021, there was no case of corruption at One United Properties.

    All of One United Properties contractors are required to observe high ethical standards, including adhering to the anti-corruption and human rights principles, as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers.