Communication on Progress

  • 18-Jan-2016
Time period
  • January 2015  –  January 2016
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • January 19, 2016

    To our stakeholders:
    I am pleased to confirm that Doxee S.p.A. reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

    Sincerely yours,
    Sergio Muratori Casali
    Doxee CEO

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • 1. Doxee actively supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We will not carry out business with any countries or regimes where flagrant human rights abuses are known to exist e.g. torture, politically motivated disappearances etc.
    2. Doxee supports as well the Principles of the Italian Republic Constitution that states “All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.”
    3. Doxee has its own Work Policy and Code of Conduct and is committed to ensuring that all our employees are treated fairly and with respect.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • 1. Where there are changes within the Doxee organization, extensive consultation exercises are held to ensure staff are involved in the process.
    2. We have a range of Human Resources policies which reflect Doxee pro-active stance on human rights including our Dignity at Work Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy and Flexible Working Policy.
    3. A flexible working policy has been created for working mothers allowing flexible working time.
    4. Doxee cooperates with Modena and Reggio Emilia University (UniMoRe), in order to encourage the female admission to the IT engineering faculty.
    5. Doxee sponsors “Ragazze digitali” (Digital girls) – the first University Campus IT Program affiliated with Modena and Reggio Emilia University (UniMoRe) dedicated to the female world, the initiative is part of European Women’s Management Development Program.
    6. Doxee supports “Bambini nel Deserto” (Children in the Desert) NGO that is involved in case of humanitarian emergencies alongside government agencies and the United Nations. In particular Doxee sustains the “Bambini nel deserto” NGO alternative strategy of migration, through an ambitious - and still only - intervention plan (Reseau Exodus) to understand and monitor migration flows and invest in vocational training to discourage the exodus of people from Africa, especially young people, to reduce the loss of human lives in the long desert crossings and or boat crossing via the Mediterranean sea, provide job opportunities and future prospects to those who otherwise would not have them.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • To date, Doxee has not been subject to any investigations, legal cases or incidents involving Human Rights violations.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • 1. Doxee is not doing business with any organization who uses forced or child labour.
    2. Doxee employees are issued with a contract of employment which clearly states their terms and conditions including pay rates and overtime pay arrangements procedures.
    3. Doxee is issuing a Company Handbook / Welcome Kit which includes information on standard terms and conditions of employment, company benefits, company rules, grievance and disciplinary procedures.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • 1. Doxee is compliant with the Italian Law that prohibits child labour in accordance to EU directive 94/33
    2. Doxee consults with staff on a continuous basis - each year we hold a Company Review Day which everyone attends and where the CEOs comment on the Company’s performance, appraising staff of what we have achieved, commenting future on developments and thanking/recognizing those individuals who have made a specific or major contribution.
    3. Doxee has a range of HR Policies which support best practice in terms of labour and employment including Equal Opportunities Policy, Appraisal Procedure and Flexible Working Policy.
    4. Doxee provides its employees a supplemental health insurance; Doxee offers to its employees and contractors free entrance to an indoor swimming pool twice a week and has implemented a food program to increase the consumption of fresh fruits providing free of charge seasonal fruits to employees.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • 1. At the most senior level there are 2 female managers and 15 male managers with a range of ages across the spectrum. IT engineering, in which Doxee works, is an area which is quite male dominated profession e.g., but this in no way reflects Doxee approach to hiring, encouraging and promoting staff within the organization.
    2. We schedule annual staff appraisals (performance review) each year to identify personal development needs and training requirements and these are actioned where ever financially possible.
    3. Doxee has not been involved in any investigations, legal cases or other related events in the violation of the Global Compact Labour principles.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • Environmental sustainability is part of Doxee’s core business. In the dematerialization of processes, “Paperless” , Doxee is a market leader in Digital and Legal Electronic Archiving and Electronic Invoicing solutions and services with over half a billion documents electronically archived in accordance with the law at its data centers and over a hundred million electronic invoices handled every year for its customers. Doxee also stands out for its important Center of Excellence in the area of “document dematerialization processes”. The only center of its kind, the Center of Excellence is able to offer highly specialized support and can act as a partner in the area of consulting and regulatory compliance services, training and pre-sales support, compliance assessment and auditing.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • 1. Doxee has provided training in waste separation and recycling to our staff.
    2. At our HQ offices we have solar light tubes, physical structures used for transporting and distributing natural light for the purpose of illumination to reduce costs and saving energy. We also have a building management system which centrally controls heating and air conditioning
    3. Employees are sensitized to eco-friendly printing procedure in order to save paper avoiding CO2 emissions. In addition, the company has a car - pooling procedure in place to encourage staff to use

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • 1. Doxee has not had any environmental incidents within the last year and has not been subject to any statutory notices or prosecutions.
    2. Doxee uses licensed waste companies for disposal of waste and is registered with “Conai” a company for disposal of electrical waste and electronic equipment.
    3. Disposal of hardware assets - Doxee is compliant with the Italian regulation D.lgs. 152 del 03.04.2006 for disposal of hardware assets.
    4. This type of waste is delivered to companies duly registered in the Italian National Waste Register, which will handle the various phases of withdrawal and recovery of materials and /or disposal.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • 1. Doxee does not participate in any corruption, bribery or extortion. Doxee supports the UN Convention Against Corruption and we will not operate in countries or with organizations who have been blacklisted.
    2. In the coming year as our business expands, Doxee will investigate all countries and organization we are working with the information available from “Transparency International” or similar entities to ensure their suitability

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • 1. Anti-corruption and bribery conduct guidelines have been communicated to employees
    2. Our two CEOs are ultimately responsible for anti-corruption controls and implementation of the policies within Doxee.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • 1. Doxee has not been involved in any legal cases, rulings or other events related to corruption or bribery
    2 Doxee prepares audited accounts each year which are verified by external auditors and this is one of the methods of identifying any spurious payments which could be related to bribery or corrupt behavior.