Communication on Progress

  • 17-Sep-2012
Time period
  • September 2011  –  September 2012
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • No answer provided.
Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • 1. The Sunpearl Safety Ltd and Xinke tannery respect and support all the Chinese laws on human right, all the policies and
    rules are make based on the human law, all the staff can enjoy the rights.
    2. The staff have their labor union, they can express their opinion and requirement , a regular meeting by both the worker's
    representatives and the company management is to deals with deviation case happen in the company, including the
    human right.
    3. In the company , equal pay for equal work , women and men are equal. everybody are respected.
    4. all the staff have the right of religion, everybody are freely to express their opinion directly to the management or the labor
    bureau .
    5. Staff have the right to decided he stay or leave the company.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • 1. A internal regulation defined the procedures on worker hiring, wages; attendance; absence; disease; accident; holiday
    ;hygiene; and safety, from these procedure, everybody can enjoy this rights;
    2. Everybody can joins the labor union and enjoy their rights and can express their opinion to the company.
    3. A communication board is set up in each workshop for both the staff and the company management, though this board they
    can communicate and understand the policy and requirements.
    4. A first aider was trained in each section for emergency accident, a safety box with medicines in each section supervisor
    room for medical case.
    5. the company provide the social insurance and medical insurance for everybody.
    6. Staff have the be trained rights, on their job or off their their job. everybody has been trained before on his position.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • 1. The regular meeting by worker's representative and general manager will review it, a corrective action taken if any deviation
    2. A yearly audit by Interteck , a qualified company , can make our improvement in Human rights ; labor; Environment ; and
    anti-corruption from the view.
    3. the labor union can collect the opinions and requirement from the staff and report to the management .
    4. A Global compact Questionnaire to our main suppliers to get the information about their policy on human rights;environment;
    labor and anti-corruption.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • 1. the Sunpearl Safety Ltd.and Xinke Tannery respect the Chinese labor Law, all the policy and rules are based on the labor Law.
    2. worker have their labor union to communicate with the company management.
    3. worker can directly to report the government labor bureau if he think he need a help,
    4. we support and respect the ten principles and SA 8000

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • 1. A internal regulation has defined all the working procedures and rules, all these are made based on the Chinese labor law,
    including: the hiring process; wages; attendance; absence; disease; accident; holiday; hygiene and safety.., the staff can be
    under its protect.
    2. All staff has sign a labor contract to make clear its responsibilities obligation according the labor requirement.
    3. Five working day per week and 8 hours for one day for all staff over corresponding to the Chinese labor law. over 8 hours will
    be calculated as OT= Normal * 1.5 ; holiday OT= Normal * 2 ; National day= Normal * 3
    4. Staff can enjoy the social insurance and medical insurance
    5. Company provide the free house and meal for all the workers, for the couple, we provide the couple room, in 2011-2012, the
    company have re-built total 20 set couple room in more good quality , cost more than 100,000 RMB
    6. The company provide the KARAOKE room , entertainment room ; basketball ground ... for staff,
    7. All the staff can enjoy the 5 day paid annual leave.
    8. Company provided the transportation change for all he staff in the Chinese New Year.
    9. Company provide the personal protect equipment for the worker who are in the different position.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • 1. the worker's labor union in the company and the regular meeting between the worker's representative and the company
    management can review the labor process , any deviation will be corrected and improved.
    2. A qualified company, Interteck will implement a yearly audit for this, that can help to improve on this labor aspect.

    3. the government labor bureau randomly check also can make our improve on this aspect.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • 1. The Sunpearl Safety Ltd, and Xinke tannery support and respect the Chinese environment law and policy, support and respect
    the ten principles and SA8000.
    2. Defined the procedure for the waste mud and waste water.
    3. Require the supplier to take care the environment protection.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • 1. In Sunpearl Safty Ltd.the most important reject is the cutting leather pieces, to reduce the cutting pieces, the operation can
    increase in salary. in 2012 from January to August, we have economic 15.14% in cutting pieces.
    2. In Xinke tannery , we have set up our waste station to deal with our waste mud and waste water,management procedure
    and process are defined as our environment policy.
    3. The waste treatment team are responsible for daily treatment, the supervisor make the test each week.
    4. Company have sign a contract with a qualified company to deal with the waste Mud
    5. In 2012, a waste mud treatment machine has been used to treat the waste station mud, cost more than 100,000 RMB
    6. Company has yearly a questionnaire to the main supplier to know their action on environment protection
    7. waste water sampling check by the government environment bureau.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • 1. Thewaste treatment record and report and help us to know the status. the result is good.
    2. The randomly check by the government environment bureau. the report show that our waste water is pass. the
    performance is good.
    3. No incidents happen in the company

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • 1. respect and support the Chinese law and the ten principles, support and respect the global compact requirement.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • 1. In the internal regulation, defined the term to anti-corruption, any deviation will be punishment.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • No corruption case in the company