GPIC UNGC COP " Collaboration and Leadership towards Sustainability"

  • 11-Jun-2015
Time period
  • January 2014  –  June 2015
  • Stand alone document
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
Women's Empowerment
  • The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the community
  • Other established or emerging best practices

    GPIC Women are part of the 37 functional committees and are actively involved with the community through these committees such as the Social Activities Committee, Ladies committee and many more

  • Designing community stakeholder engagements that are free of gender discrimination/stereotyping and sensitive to gender issues

  • Gender impact assessments or consideration of gender-related impacts as part of its social and/or human rights impact assessments

  • Ensuring female beneficiaries of community programmes

  • Community initiatives specifically targeted at the empowerment of women and girls

  • Strategies to ensure that community investment projects and programmes (including economic, social and environmental) positively impact women and girls

  • Strategies to ensure that community investment projects and programmes (including economic, social and environmental) include the full participation of women and girls

  • No practice for this criterion has been reported

  • Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff

  • The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the workplace
  • Other established or emerging best practices

    GPIC is a beacon to the rest of the world for its focus on the educational and professional development of women. Through its vision, GPIC sponsors major scholarship programs, promotes women, trains and develops them and, empowers many.

  • Achieving and maintaining gender equality in senior management and board positions

  • Achieving and maintaining gender equality in middle management positions

  • Equal pay for work of equal value

  • Flexible work options

  • Access to child and dependent care

  • Support for pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave

  • Recruitment and retention, including training and development, of female employees

  • Gender-specific health and safety issues

  • Gender-based violence and harassment

  • Education and training opportunities for women workers

  • Creating and maintaining workplace awareness of gender equality and, inclusion and non-discrimination for all workers

  • Mentoring and sponsorship opportunities for women workers

  • No practice for this criterion has been reported

  • Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff

  • The COP contains or refers to sex-disaggregated data
  • Equal pay for work of equal value

  • Other established or emerging best practices

    GPIC is an equal opportunity employer and the salary is linked to merit and not gender.

  • Achieving and maintaining gender equality in senior management and board positions

  • Achieving and maintaining gender equality in middle management positions

  • Flexible work options

  • Access to child and dependent care

  • Support for pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave

  • Recruitment and retention, including training and development, of female employees

  • Gender-specific health and safety issues

  • Gender-based violence and harassment

  • Education and training opportunities for women workers

  • Creating and maintaining workplace awareness of gender equality and, inclusion and non-discrimination for all workers

  • Mentoring and sponsorship opportunities for women workers

  • No practice for this criterion has been reported

  • Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff

  • The COP describes policies and practices related to supporting women's empowerment and advancing gender equality in the marketplace
  • No practice for this criterion has been reported

  • Supplier diversity programme

  • Composition of supplier base by sex

  • Support for women business owners and women entrepreneurs

  • Supplier monitoring and engagement on women's empowerment and gender equality including promotion of the Women's Empowerment Principles to suppliers

  • Gender-sensitive marketing

  • Gender-sensitive product and service development

  • Other established or emerging best practices

  • Any relevant policies, procedures, and activities that the company plans to undertake by its next COP to address this area, including goals, timelines, metrics, and responsible staff