2011 Communication on Progress

  • 21-Sep-2011
Time period
  • September 2010  –  September 2011
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • Statement of Continued Support

    Date: 21/09/2011

    I am pleased to confirm that qsys esolutions pvt ltd reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

    Qsys has been active with UN Global Compact in its affords towards disseminating the information across the board and participating in Social Responsibility Initiatives. Top Management has added a core verticals on CSR and is working with national and international agencies on CSR. A committed affords is also evident by launching SR Asia page on face book and a website.

    Sincerely yours,
    Birendra Raturi

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • No answer provided.
  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • No answer provided.
  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • No answer provided.
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • Qsys though does not have any written down policy on employment as of now as per the current business model, however a contractual document is in place. Only highly skilled and experienced individuals are hired.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • Does not have any labour, a written policy on age bar to ensure no child employment

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • we do not have any violation of this policy.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • Qsys follow a stringent policy on environmental protection. we therefore even have restricted paper work on brochure, catalog, proposal and invoicing. In 100% cases all the above documents are used in electronic forms until unless warranted.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • 1. Almost paperwork cost may be less that Rs 10000/ annualy.
    2. All correspondences in electronic form

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • 1. Quantity of paperwork
    2. use of Ink cartage
    3. Information dissemination to the stake holders
    4. All CFL in use
    5. No air pollution
    6 No water pollution
    7. No contamination to land
    8. Recycling of news paper ( sold to the recycle-rs)

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • No bribe what so ever

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • we are part of anti corruption movement.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • There is no cash transactions between customer to vendors.