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In many countries, businesses come across human rights challenges that affect Indigenous peoples, including discrimination, child labour and forced labour, lack of voice and/or effective participation in decision making processes, lack of decent work opportunities, and recognition of their land rights. This webinar, conducted by ILO experts on indigenous peoples, discussed contributions by government, enterprises, employers’ and workers’ organizations to the realization of indigenous peoples’ rights, as enshrined in ILO Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples.
Explores the role of company-level grievance mechanisms, their benefits and limitations, their relationship to other means of addressing stakeholder concerns, and some key considerations when designing a mechanism to be effective in practice. Examples and perspectives from business representatives are also shared.
Addresses how responsible businesses can ensure respect for human rights when working with public security forces. In particular, the webinar examines the reputational and legal risks posed by public security providers over which companies have limited control. The webinar provides good practice examples to help companies mitigate risks as they seek to protect their personnel and assets.
This webinar explores how companies can engage in sport sponsorship and hospitality in a transparent and ethical manner and aims to enhance the potential for sports to be a powerful tool to support peace, human dignity, and a culture of ethics and fair-play.
Outlines the challenges responsible businesses face in addressing the presence of child labor in their supply chains, particularly in locations where child labor is prevalent and where there is evidence that removing income-generating opportunities will push children into deeper poverty or forms of exploitation. In particular, the webinar explores suggested good practices to help multinational corporations engage in human rights due diligence to manage the risk of child labor within its supply chain as well as positively impact child labor issues as part of its responsibility to respect and promote human rights.
Aims to expand and deepen private sector action in support of peace - in the workplace, marketplace and local communities. Assists companies in implementing responsible business practices aligned with the Global Compact ten principles in conflict-affected and high-risk areas and catalyze action to advance peace.
Examines how responsible businesses, as well as suppliers and partners, can ensure a living wage for employees when the host country does not have a statutory minimum wage or when it fails to provide an adequate standard of living. It also explores the issue of working hours in the context of international standards, overtime and the pressure on some labourers to work excessive hours.
Explores ten companies and how they deal with various human rights issues. Emphasizes the need for cohesive and sometimes over-arching corporate policies on human rights engagement. Fourth volume in the Embedding Human Rights in Business Practices series.
Provides an overview of the Global Compact's Collection Action Project in partnership with five Global Compact Local Networks in Brazil, Egypt, India, Nigeria and South Africa.
Presents case study examples of how companies, investors and Global Compact Local Networks have used the "Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors" as a tool to align their policies, to engage with investee companies and to advance the implementation of responsible business practices in difficult operating environments around the world.
Companies and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the business case for having robust diversity and gender equality policies and practices. This webinar brings together Global Compact participants and signatories of Principles for Responsible Investment to take stock of the growth and impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles initiative to date. To highlight the investment opportunity of gender equity, Catalyst, a leading nonporfit organization working to expand opportunities for women and business, presents research that supports the business case and Pax World Investments and Calvert Investments, investment management companies, discuss how the investor community can help advance gender equality and women's empowerment by encouraging companies to embrace the WEPs.
A collection of cases from Global Compact companies and stakeholders around the world illustrating anti-corruption implementation efforts and the related dilemmas organizations face.