Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
A new strategy that spells out our ambition to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the SDGs through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change.
This report shows that companies with science-based targets are delivering on large-scale emissions reductions. Five years on from the Paris Agreement, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) analysed the emissions of a group of 338 companies whose climate targets have been approved by the SBTi as aligned with climate science and the goals of the Paris Agreement. This is the first ever study to look at how setting science-based targets correlates with corporate emissions reductions and the extent to which companies are actually delivering on those targets. Target-setting companies have successfully reduced their emissions by 25% since 2015, a difference of 302 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent, the same as the annual emissions from 78 coal-fired power plants.
Puts forward six key enablers which could be advanced by all systemic shapers to accelerate the sustainable development of the seafood industry - from unlocking sustainable finance and ratifying international conventions, to moving beyond data disclosure, rewarding progress, and incorporating wider food system dimensions into both policy and sustainability-related services.
This is the first white paper produced by the recently launched UN Global Compact Action Platform on Sustainable Infrastructure for the Belt and Road Initiative to Accelerate the SDGs. It provides a starting point for strategic discussion and dialogue, and a solid foundation for action in the years ahead. I look forward to working with companies, Governments and all stakeholders to build a healthier and more sustainable future. If we succeed, generations to come will remember our current difficulties as a distant crisis that was, nevertheless, a turning point for global progress.
Provides practical advice, flags key considerations, and outlines good practice steps for designing and implementing effective grievance mechanisms. The publication series supports business to know how to better hear and address instances of modern slavery.
Publication offers a basis for understanding the expectations set out in the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights in relation to grievance mechanisms. While implementing effective grievance mechanisms to tackle modern slavery remains challenging, businesses can utilise the case studies, that draw on types of grievance mechanisms used across a range of sectors, in the publication to design and implement their own effective grievance mechanisms.
This UN Global Compact action-oriented narrative synthesizes the key insights gathered through a series of webinars organized in 2020 on the climate-nature-health nexus, in the framework of the Business Ambition for Climate and Health Action Platform. Reminding the business case for taking integrated climate and health action, it provides guidance on how companies can deliver climate and health co-benefits by pointing towards relevant action-oriented initiatives. It focuses on the five areas that were addressed by the webinar series : air pollution, nature and biodiversity, food systems, water resilience, and the future of work and just transition.
The Black Lives Matter & Business report explains what steps businesses can take to be anti-racist and positively contribute to the Black Lives Matter movement. The document identifies key challenges, practical actions, and useful resources that can help solve the problem of systemic racism in the workplace and beyond. This report features in-depth research by the Global Compact Network UK, supported by insights and contributions from the expert guest speakers featured in the 2020 Black Lives Matter & Business webinar series, also organised by the Global Compact Network UK
This Guidance Note aims to provide practical advice to support businesses at all stages of designing and implementing effective business-led grievance mechanisms to hear and address complaints about modern slavery in their operations and their supply chains.
The report offers businesses a basis for understanding the expectations set out in the UNGPs and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 in relation to grievance mechanisms. By incorporating case studies of Australian and international businesses and organisations, it illustrates good practice examples for designing and implementing grievance mechanisms that can address modern slavery. This report is accompanied by a practical guide, Implementing Effective Modern Slavery Grievance Mechanisms: A Guidance Note for Business.
The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting and offers resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption. The SBTi Corporate Manual is a combination of two previously available resources, the Call to Action Guidelines-which gives information on the four step process for joining the initiative- and the SBTi Manual-which provides stepwise guidance and recommendations for setting SBTs- now combined, streamlined, and newly-released to best support companies throughout all steps of the science-based target setting journey.
The Human Rights Due Diligence Tool provides guidance and a checklist for cargo owners, charterers and logistics providers to conduct human rights due diligence across their supply chains to identify, prevent, mitigate and address adverse human rights impacts for seafarers impacted by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.