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Learn how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world
revised in 2018, this self-guided 40 minute E-learning module provides an introduction to the ILO’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration). The Declaration provides recommendations to governments, enterprises, and employers’ and workers’ organizations on how to maximize – each with different roles and responsibilities - the positive contribution of multinational enterprises to socioeconomic development and decent work, more specifically in the areas of employment, training, conditions of work and life and industrial relations. The module includes an overview of the principles of the MNE Declaration and real cases of how it can be put into practice and address a range of labour and employment issues in different contexts. It also provides a description of how the MNE Declaration relates to other international instruments which can also guide business behaviour, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Global Compact, the UN Business and Human Rights Framework and Guiding Principles, and ISO 26000.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Business has much to gain from more inclusive economic prosperity, through access to new markets, unleashing more innovation, and greater social stability so necessary for markets to function. Conversely, business has much to lose from an economy that fails to capitalize fully on human capital, constricts markets, and experiences sluggish demand. This working paper introduces BSR’s perspective on the business role in creating inclusive prosperity.
Guides the hundreds of individuals who are now completing due diligence on carbon pricing of behalf of their companies. It has been shaped by input from dozens of such companies, as well as other experts who are implementing carbon pricing programmes within companies and/or advocating for government policies in countries around the world. Experiences and insights from others will help more companies become Carbon Pricing Champions and align with the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing set by Caring for Climate and partners.
Provides an overview of how developing gender inclusive climate strategies can help businesses strengthen resilience and uncover new opportunities.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Over the past few years, human rights have taken an increasingly prominent place in supply chain management. This Good Practice Note provides guidance on how to identify, prioritize, and respect supply chain human rights risks in a way that aligns with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Sometimes effective prioritization is needed when companies face a host of potential adverse human rights impacts to which they cannot respond simultaneously.
Sets out a simple and thorough process for any company, but particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, to get started with identifying its potential human rights impacts on those people directly affected by its activities, and those whose lives it touches through its relationships with suppliers or other parties. It provides tools and approaches to understand what the business already does to address these impacts, and where it can improve.
This paper explores the linkages between gender equality, corporate sustainability and sustainable development, and provides concrete examples of how companies are placing women's empowerment at the heart of croporate sustainability initiatives to ensure that they reach their intended mark
Lays out five defining features of corporate sustainability, which the Global Compact asks businesses to strive towards – looking at why each element is essential, how business can move forward and what the Global Compact is doing to help.