Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
This guidance material provides recommendations for companies engaged in private sector projects. It is directed toward project staff conducting due diligence, supervision, or monitoring of labour aspects at the operational level.
This guidance note is meant to advise companies, IFC and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) experts, consultants, and other stakeholders who, due to the nature of their business, must address issues of worker housing.
These presentations serve as an introductory workshop on the origins and rationale behind International Labour Standards and the role of the ILO and Global Compact Local Networks within the wider corporate responsibility framework.
This report charts the interaction of climate change with other key issues on the global agenda, and identifies the requirement this places on governments and international agencies to develop a new level of policy coherence.
Forty chairmen and CEOs of corporations from around the globe were interviewed for this report. These chief executives indicate that climate inaction is too costly to their businesses and the world.
Chief executives were asked to share brief testimonials, expressing why they support an effective climate agreement. This publication presents a selection of these testimonials.
Based on in-depth interviews and an extensive survey of Caring for Climate signatories, this report highlights climate leaders and current best practices, as well as expectations for public policies that can amplify and facilitate such practice.
This study evaluates actual time series of energy efficiency and carbon emissions taken from public reports of Caring for Climate signatories (COPs and CDP reports) in order to get a picture of progress and measuring methodologies used.
This study assesses the importance of climate change to financial investors, it impact on competitive advantage in established industries and the opportunities created as new industries develop.
Focuses on the economic rationale for collective action by investors on carbon disclosure, investment choices and policy engagement. The report also maps policy options that reduce investor's risks.
This report analyzes the degree to which government efforts to stimulate the economy are also consistent with the shift to a low carbon economy, examining stimulus packages and budgets in over 30 countries across the world.
This report provides down-to-earth guidance to the benefits, pitfalls and best practices in setting up carbon trading schemes that work for the environment, facilitate access to technology and foster economic development.