Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Explores the notion of “sufficiency” as it pertains to water stewardship and collective action. By understanding the size and nature of the gap between desired conditions in a watershed (i.e., what might be considered “sufficient” to promote community and ecological well-being) and current conditions, companies can determine how much and what type of action is needed. This discussion paper explores how companies can go about conducting such an assessment and use it as the basis of their water-related collective action efforts.
Highlights progress by business toward jointly established guidelines for responsible, positive lobbying on climate policy.
In 2014, the UN Global Compact marks the 10th Anniversary of the 10th Principle against corruption: “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”.
Launched at the United Nations in September 2014, the Food & Agriculture Business Principles respond to calls for a common language and framework to achieve food security through more sustainable agriculture. In this video, leaders from business, government, civil society and the UN share their perspectives on the importance of the FAB Principles to help realize the goal of sustainable development.
United Nations - Business can play a crucial role in helping to address climate change. Ahead of the UN Climate Summit, hear from the UN Secretary-General and chief executives from companies engaged in his corporate climate action platform, Caring for Climate. See how Enel, IKEA Group, PepsiCo, Royal DSM, Sinopec and Statoil are providing examples of corporate leadership on climate change.
Bill Miller of Global Connections sits down with Global Compact Executive Director Georg Kell to discuss how the UN is harnessing the power of the private sector to advance environmental, social and governance issues.
Construction is among the most hazardous industries where workers are more likely to have a fatal accident at work, and many more suffer from ill-health and die from occupational diseases. This webinar with ILO experts addresses some of the challenges of protecting workers in the construction industry, and provides practical guidance for companies to make health and safety an integral part of their business model.
In June 2014, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a new Protocol on Forced Labour. As an international response to combat contemporary forms of slavery and forced labour more effectively, the Protocol creates new legal obligations to prevent forced labour, to protect victims, and to provide access to remedy. Conducted by ILO experts, this webinar provides insight into the Protocol and discusses the role of business in its implementation, including in global efforts to eliminate contemporary forms of slavery.
Building on the 2013 consultations, and in collaboration with the UN Industrial Development Organization, the UN Global Compact supported consultations in an additional 20 countries throughout 2014. The consultations, “Engaging with the Private Sector,” focused on implementation ranging from partnerships to SME engagement to government policies. Preliminary results fed into the UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report. Likewise, the results were presented to Member States.
International supply chains involve transportation of goods across borders, dealing with multiple and sometimes conflicting regulatory treatments and burdened by lengthy customs procedures. Co-organized with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), this webinar explores the sustainability issues relating to the logistics sector and border crossing, including corruption, environmental hazard and social hardship for the workers involved in the transportation process. The webinar also presents IRU’s initiatives to facilitate and secure road transports, with specific focus on the Transports Internationaux Routier (TIR) system.
A step by step guide and webinar created to assist you in developing your COE.
Guide on how to request a deadline modification via a Grace Letter before your reporting deadline expires. Refer to the COP Adjustment Request Guide for business participants and the COE Adjustment Request Guide for non-business participants.