Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
With the development of the Post-2015 agenda and discussion of the scope of potential sustainable development goals, the United Nations Global Compact has been asked to bring private sector perspectives and action to the global development agenda. As one of the priority areas designated by the UN Global Compact’s LEAD companies, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality aims ensure that all sustainable development goals be inclusive and gender-sensitive to facilitate maximum impact and avoid increasing inequalities. This issue paper explores the responsible business community’s willingness to contribute to the creation of women’s empowerment goals as well as to inform government and policy makers in future implementation of efforts involving the private sector. In addition, gender is incorporated into all ten (10) Issue Briefs exploring a different priority issue area as identified through extensive consultations with LEAD companies and other stakeholders.
Identifying the importance of gender equality to the business case, companies around the world have taken steps to advance and empower women.
This paper explores the linkages between gender equality, corporate sustainability and sustainable development, and provides concrete examples of how companies are placing women's empowerment at the heart of croporate sustainability initiatives to ensure that they reach their intended mark
This handbook provides guidance material and tools for employers and business to strengthen their capacity to address the risk of forced labour and human trafficking in their own operations and in global supply chains. (2015 revised edition)
Business has much to gain from more inclusive economic prosperity, through access to new markets, unleashing more innovation, and greater social stability so necessary for markets to function. Conversely, business has much to lose from an economy that fails to capitalize fully on human capital, constricts markets, and experiences sluggish demand. This working paper introduces BSR’s perspective on the business role in creating inclusive prosperity.
Demonstrates how companies can help to advance the SDGs by operating responsibly in alignment with universal principles and finding opportunities to innovate to address societal challenges. Through a commitment to the UN Global Compact, companies are taking the first step to contribute to achieving the SDGs and have access to a range of tools to scale up their efforts.
Guides companies on how they can align their strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the realization of the SDGs. The SDG Compass presents five steps that assist companies in maximizing their contribution to the SDGs: understanding the SDGs, defining priorities, goal setting, integrating sustainability and reporting.
Presents examples of how business associations can and are contributing to sustainable development. This collection of case examples demonstrates how business associations can help their members advance sustainable development through information and knowledge diffusion; capacity building and education; technical standards and specifications; policy advocacy and public affairs; and fostering and brokering partnerships.
Seeks to advance the discussion on how the private sector can make positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas around the world and, as a result, help to the realization of SDG16. This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact’s Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies.
Highlights the benefits for businesses of implementing adaptation activities that contribute to increasing societal resilience and attaining the SDGs. The report shares lessons learned and provides actionable guidance for both the public and private sector.
Presents what children’s rights mean for business and how companies can respect and support in their decisions, activities and relationships. In this context, the webinar explores new resources developed by UNICEF and Save the Children that follow and build on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. Among these new resources a set of tools developed by UNICEF is presented. The set of tools provides companies with practical guidance on how to integrate child rights considerations into broader risk management processes. These tools have been designed to explore the connection between children’s rights and business.
Advances a common approach to corporate water disclosure that addresses the complexity and local nature of water resources.