Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Business has much to gain from more inclusive economic prosperity, through access to new markets, unleashing more innovation, and greater social stability so necessary for markets to function. Conversely, business has much to lose from an economy that fails to capitalize fully on human capital, constricts markets, and experiences sluggish demand. This working paper introduces BSR’s perspective on the business role in creating inclusive prosperity.
Provides guidance on how businesses and business schools can collaborate to co-create solutions for sustainability challenges. The toolkit and brochure feature inspiring examples of partnerships, categorized under five themes: influencing, training, collaborating, researching and consulting.
Presents examples of how business associations can and are contributing to sustainable development. This collection of case examples demonstrates how business associations can help their members advance sustainable development through information and knowledge diffusion; capacity building and education; technical standards and specifications; policy advocacy and public affairs; and fostering and brokering partnerships.
Identifying the importance of gender equality to the business case, companies around the world have taken steps to advance and empower women.
Seeks to advance the discussion on how the private sector can make positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas around the world and, as a result, help to the realization of SDG16. This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact’s Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies.
Highlights the benefits for businesses of implementing adaptation activities that contribute to increasing societal resilience and attaining the SDGs. The report shares lessons learned and provides actionable guidance for both the public and private sector.
Illustrates how companies can implement the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact throughout their supply chains and integrate sustainability into procurement strategies. In 2015, the guide was revised to ensure the inclusion of and alignment with relevant standards and initiatives, and also to reflect current and emerging trends within this area. It includes several updated and new company examples. The second edition is available in English. The original Guide, launched in 2010, is available below in the indicated languages.
Outlines the challenges responsible businesses face in addressing the presence of child labor in their supply chains, particularly in locations where child labor is prevalent and where there is evidence that removing income-generating opportunities will push children into deeper poverty or forms of exploitation. In particular, the webinar explores suggested good practices to help multinational corporations engage in human rights due diligence to manage the risk of child labor within its supply chain as well as positively impact child labor issues as part of its responsibility to respect and promote human rights.
Presents case study examples of how companies, investors and Global Compact Local Networks have used the "Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors" as a tool to align their policies, to engage with investee companies and to advance the implementation of responsible business practices in difficult operating environments around the world.
Provides guidance for governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions on working together to achieve sustainable economic and social development.
Explores how donors can effectively support public-private collaboration in order to attract sustainable investments and foster development in the Least Developed Countries. To this end, the report takes stock of existing donor programs aimed at engaging the private sector in development activities, identifies shortcomings and promising approaches, and offers recommendations on how donor programs can attract more public-private collaboration to the Least Developed Countries.
This guide provides a framework for creating and applying social impact measurements in connection with corporate activities within the communities where companies operate.