Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Provides an overview of the Global Compact Local Networks. Detailing the many ways that companies can engage locally through their network. The Brochure lists all networks that are in operation and explains how a company can join their Local Network.
This report summarizes the proceedings of the fourth UN Private Sector Forum on Sustainable Energy for All.
This Framework aims to motivate and guide business engagement and action in support of the Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative and seeks to identify where different industries can have the most significant impact.
There are many barriers preventing the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged from achieving their rights to adequate healthcare. Under the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights many of these fall under governments’ duty to protect. This Good Practice Note illustrates a number of different ways in which responsible businesses can support the UN goals in this area.
Advances understanding of Boardroom engagement in environmental, social and governance issues and provides a roadmap for how companies can better integrate oversight of these issues into the Board agenda.
This paper explores recent developments and best practices in supply chain transparency, supplier engagement, and responses to shifts in trade and globalization.
The CEO Water Mandate is a strategic framework for action with recommendations that include production strategies, water-utilization audits and incentive systems for water recycling, the development of a water-sustainability agenda, and inclusion of the GRI guidelines in corporate reporting.
A stocktaking and assessment of existing and emerging water accounting methods and tools being used in the private sector.
The Blueprint is a model for leadership within the Global Compact, designed to inspire advanced performers to reach the next level of sustainability performance. It identifies criteria for leadership practice in three distinct but overlapping dimensions: (i) integrating the ten principles into strategies and operations; (ii) taking action in support of broader UN goals and issues; and (iii) engaging with the UN Global Compact; as well as cross-cutting components.
Designed to provide information that will inform both how individual companies can respect the human right to water, as well as how the CEO Water Mandate itself can meaningfully contribute to business’ ability to effectively address this issue.
Collaboration between the United Nations and the private sector has become ingrained in the way the United Nations and its Agencies, Funds and Programmes function; but it was not always this way. The report charts the evolution of UN-business engagement since 2000.
Stakeholder dialogue is an important mechanism for companies to assess and improve their human rights impacts in local communities. This Good Practice Note focuses on panels which provide advice and external perspectives on the businesses’ corporate social responsibility strategy including its human rights impact on local communities. It aims to identify advantages and pitfalls, and some basic good practices for companies when engaging such a panel.