Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Examines the sector’s impact in relation to the UN Global Compact’s four focus areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption and identifies the most critical issues facing companies with a stake in land, real estate and construction in relation to the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles and the SDGs. The aim of the resource is to encourage companies to think holistically about the environmental and social impact of their business activities and strategic investment decisions, providing a practice-orientated roadmap for the sector and its clients through: (1) A toolbox of SDG-related and wider UN resources (2) Real life case studies showcasing successful SDG implementation (3) A Self-Assessment Checklist mapping 15 sectoral issues and corresponding 15 action items to individual Principles and SDG indicators
Sets out a simple and thorough process for any company, but particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, to get started with identifying its potential human rights impacts on those people directly affected by its activities, and those whose lives it touches through its relationships with suppliers or other parties. It provides tools and approaches to understand what the business already does to address these impacts, and where it can improve.
Presents examples of how business associations can and are contributing to sustainable development. This collection of case examples demonstrates how business associations can help their members advance sustainable development through information and knowledge diffusion; capacity building and education; technical standards and specifications; policy advocacy and public affairs; and fostering and brokering partnerships.
As a result of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, businesses regardless of sector are paying greater attention to the actual and potential human rights impacts of their operations and business relationships on stakeholders. This webinar co-hosted by the UN Global Compact and the Danish Institute for Human Rights explored the various types of Human Rights Impact Assessments, including company, community and sector-based, analyzing both the impetus behind the assessments as well as lessons learned.
Companies and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the business case for having robust diversity and gender equality policies and practices. This webinar brings together Global Compact participants and signatories of Principles for Responsible Investment to take stock of the growth and impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles initiative to date. To highlight the investment opportunity of gender equity, Catalyst, a leading nonporfit organization working to expand opportunities for women and business, presents research that supports the business case and Pax World Investments and Calvert Investments, investment management companies, discuss how the investor community can help advance gender equality and women's empowerment by encouraging companies to embrace the WEPs.
Serves as a step-by-step roadmap for maximizing the transformative potential of partnerships.
A practical yet comprehensive tool to help companies evolve their sustainability efforts. Comprised of six management steps, it guides companies of all sizes through the process of formally committing to, assessing, defining, implementing, measuring and communicating a corporate sustainability strategy. The model draws on widely accepted and understood management practices, and is designed to maximize corporate sustainability performance.
Presents case studies of companies that have adhered to the SA8000 standard as a way to advance their commitment to the Global Compact.
Provides an overview of CEO perspectives on progress to date, challenges ahead and the journey towards a sustainable economy.
Reports on trends and policy options regarding the role of Governments in promoting corporate sustainability and engaging the private sector in achieving the MDGs.
Outlines five principles for responsible business engagement in water policy.
These case examples illustrate innovative and sustainable activities being undertaken by businesses in China.