Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Guides the hundreds of individuals who are now completing due diligence on carbon pricing of behalf of their companies. It has been shaped by input from dozens of such companies, as well as other experts who are implementing carbon pricing programmes within companies and/or advocating for government policies in countries around the world. Experiences and insights from others will help more companies become Carbon Pricing Champions and align with the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing set by Caring for Climate and partners.
Provides an overview of the importance of traceability for sustainability objectives, as well as global opportunities and challenges. The guide presents practical steps for implementing traceability programmes within companies, features case studies, and maps relevant stakeholders, resources and sustainability issues related to key commodities.
Advances a common approach to corporate water disclosure that addresses the complexity and local nature of water resources.
This paper articulates the need to allow companies to contribute to water management efforts, to assist them instead of excluding them, and to insist that they operate in a manner that justifies their presence and is welcomed by local stakeholders.
Presents case study examples of how companies, investors and Global Compact Local Networks have used the "Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors" as a tool to align their policies, to engage with investee companies and to advance the implementation of responsible business practices in difficult operating environments around the world.
Presents ten case examples on climate change adaptation that underscore private sector strengths in identifying new business opportunities, creating new markets, and recognizing and managing risks that are critical in building resilient businesses and communities.
This publication offers guidelines for higher education institutions in implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact within the organization and then leading their global adoption.
Addresses the opportunities companies have to generate business value; the priority actions that are common across industries; and the key enablers of success.
Examines the unique nature of water challenges in conflict-affected or high-risk areas and how the management of water resources can in turn affect business operations and society – particularly through its potential to exacerbate conflict.
Identifies leading corporate practices in key sustainability areas – and the wide spectrum of ideas presented at the Forum on innovations, collaborations and public policy recommendations. The report showcases approximately 200 commitments to action announced by corporate leaders, over 50 new tools and resources, and media coverage of the Forum.
A stocktaking and assessment of existing and emerging water accounting methods and tools being used in the private sector.
This paper explores recent developments and best practices in supply chain transparency, supplier engagement, and responses to shifts in trade and globalization.