Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
A scenario-based tool for employee training on resisting extortion and solicitation in international transactions.
This report summarizes the proceedings of the UN Leadership Forum on Climate Change was convened on 22 September 2009, held in conjunction with the UN Secretary-General’s Summit on Climate Change. This meeting was held as a part of the UN Private Sector Forum event series.
This report examines the challenges faced by the global alliance against forced labour. It demonstrates how these challenges are met through a combination of best practices, law enforcement and prevention mechanisms.
A framework outlining different ways in which the private sector can collaborate with UN agencies, funds and programmes to address global challenges.
To tackle the global and systemic challenges we currently face, we must transcend the status quo of individual actions to foster collaboration for impact at scale. We need well-designed, well-governed, accountable, and impactful collaborations. Drawing on BSR's 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, and scaling collaborative initiatives, this report identifies the characteristics of successful collaborations and helps companies better understand how to prepare for and contribute to their success.
Illustrates how human rights are relevant in a corporate context through the use of examples and suggested practical actions.
This brochure gives a brief introduction to the UN Global Compact, outlining the main objectives of the initiative, the business case for participation as well as some of the ways in which companies can engage.
This report summarizes the discussions and outcomes of the forum and the concrete recommendations made by participants regarding how the private sector, governments and the UN can contribute to the Millennium Development Goals and Food Sustainability.
Assist managers in fighting corruption and increasing transparency through presenting a collection of case studies from Africa.
Illustrates how different types of UN-Business partnerships can contribute to development objectives, and show the win-win potential of collaboration.
An interactive tool to improve the effectiveness and developmental value of partnerships between the UN system and the private sector.
Economist Jeffrey Sachs describes how public-private partnerships saved over 1 million lives by increasing access to HIV/AIDS medications. Speech was delivered at the 2007 UN Global Compact Leaders Summit.