Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Seeks to improve the understanding of environmental, social and governance issues in commodity investments with a view to identifying and promoting best practices in this area.
Explores how donors can effectively support public-private collaboration in order to attract sustainable investments and foster development in the Least Developed Countries. To this end, the report takes stock of existing donor programs aimed at engaging the private sector in development activities, identifies shortcomings and promising approaches, and offers recommendations on how donor programs can attract more public-private collaboration to the Least Developed Countries.
This guide provides a framework for creating and applying social impact measurements in connection with corporate activities within the communities where companies operate.
Provides guidance for governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions on working together to achieve sustainable economic and social development.
This report summarizes the proceedings of the fourth UN Private Sector Forum on Sustainable Energy for All.
This guide has been produced to assist companies preparing themselves to implement the objectives of the 10th principle and to deal with corruption in every aspect of their operations.
There are many barriers preventing the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged from achieving their rights to adequate healthcare. Under the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights many of these fall under governments’ duty to protect. This Good Practice Note illustrates a number of different ways in which responsible businesses can support the UN goals in this area.
The Guiding Principles seek to provide an authoritative global standard for preventing and addressing the risk of adverse human rights impacts linked to business activity.
This paper explores recent developments and best practices in supply chain transparency, supplier engagement, and responses to shifts in trade and globalization.
Collaboration between the United Nations and the private sector has become ingrained in the way the United Nations and its Agencies, Funds and Programmes function; but it was not always this way. The report charts the evolution of UN-business engagement since 2000.
This document outlines contributions made to the MDGs by a group of 22 Global Compact participants from seven countries and reviews the Global Compact principles and their relation with the MDGs.
Reports on trends and policy options regarding the role of Governments in promoting corporate sustainability and engaging the private sector in achieving the MDGs.