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Presents case study examples of how companies, investors and Global Compact Local Networks have used the "Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors" as a tool to align their policies, to engage with investee companies and to advance the implementation of responsible business practices in difficult operating environments around the world.
Companies and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the business case for having robust diversity and gender equality policies and practices. This webinar brings together Global Compact participants and signatories of Principles for Responsible Investment to take stock of the growth and impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles initiative to date. To highlight the investment opportunity of gender equity, Catalyst, a leading nonporfit organization working to expand opportunities for women and business, presents research that supports the business case and Pax World Investments and Calvert Investments, investment management companies, discuss how the investor community can help advance gender equality and women's empowerment by encouraging companies to embrace the WEPs.
Profiles how companies integrate voluntary sustainability commitments into their strategies and operations. The report presents the Sustainability Commitment Growth Curve (SCGC) – a framework to help companies navigate their engagement with and derive value from voluntary sustainability commitments.
Seeks to provide a practical, step-by-step guidance on how to conduct an anti-corruption risk assessment. Includes a six-step process to complete the assessment: establish the process, identify the risks, rate the risks, identify mitigating controls, calculate remaining residual risk and develop an action plan.
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) are an extremely important facet of the global economy. This Good Practice Note seeks to provide guidance to corporate leaders and M&A practitioners at all levels across the corporate, finance, private equity and legal sectors on how the due diligence process within M&A is being utilized and can be utilized to enable companies to more effectively carry out their responsibility to respect human rights as contemplated by the UN Framework and Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.
Co-hosted by CSR Europe and the UN Global Compact, this webinar highlights the challenges in monitoring and auditing suppliers beyond tier 1, as well as the opportunities in addressing suppliers down the supply chain. It explores the implications for business and provides insight into company practice and existing initiatives related to addressing suppliers beyond Tier 1.
Framed around the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, this webinar focuses particularly on the relevance these Principles have and the guidance they suggest for business seeking to respect and support children’s rights in their supply chains. The webinar also includes good practice examples from business.
Better Work is a unique partnership programme which aims to improve both compliance with labour standards and promote competitiveness in global supply chains. The programme involves both the development of global tools and the implementation of country-level services. This webinar presents an overview of how Better Work engages managers and workers as part of factory-level assessment, advisory and training services, and will explain how national Project Advisory Committees promote local ownership of improvements in the industry.
Experts from the ILO’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour discuss research on global trends in the realization of this fundamental human right, including an analysis of important developments in the business contribution to the elimination of child labour.
Provides a framework for developing, implementing, and disclosing policies and practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services that are integrated into corporate sustainability strategies.
Community engagement has arisen as a mutually beneficial way to advance human rights in supply chains. In community engagement, companies familiarize themselves and develop relationships with the stakeholders of the communities in which they operate in order to minimize any negative externalities and offer aid and other initiatives that will benefit community members. This Good Practice Note aims to explain some of the critical advantages, pitfalls and good practices related to engaging with and investing in suppliers’ communities.
Explores how responsible businesses can best ensure that workers within their supply chains located in developing and emerging growth countries enjoy adequate safety protection within the workplace. In particular, the webinar examines the challenges faced by companies with supply chains in regions with weak or poorly enforced national occupational health and safety regulations or those that have limited resources to upgrade their systems to international standards, as well as companies that witness a rise in the costs of production due to investment in health and safety education for their suppliers. Additionally, the webinar explores a range of relevant good practice as well as examples of multi-national companies that have addressed this issue.