Forward Faster Now: Accelerating Sustainable Business in Asia & Oceania

Forward Faster Now: Accelerating Sustainable Business in Asia & Oceania
Forward Faster Now Asia and Oceania brought together leaders from the private sector, governments and corporate sustainability in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to drive business ambition on the Sustainable Development Goals.

It was an inspiring event filled with connection, discussion, and forward-thinking.
Leaders emphasized the importance of private sector engagement in sustainable development.
With over 60 percent of the world’s population, the Asia and Oceania region represents more than two-thirds of projected global growth. Its vast networks of supply chains, made up mostly of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are integral to international production, trade and investment.

Companies showcased initiatives ranging from renewable energy projects to sustainable supply chain practices, highlighting the transformative impact of corporate responsibility.

More than 270 participating companies of the UN Global Compact from the Asia and Oceania region have joined the Forward Faster initiative, which calls on business leaders everywhere to take measurable, credible, and ambitious action in five action areas —gender equality, climate action, living wage, finance & investment, and water resilience— where the private sector can collectively make the most significant, fastest impact to accelerate progress across all 17 SDGs by 2030.

Sanda Ojiambo opened the event with an inspiring call to action for bold leadership in sustainability across Asia & Oceania.

Akmal Nasir, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation, left us with a key takeaway: "Together, we can build a better future for all."
According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024, with just six years remaining, progress falls far short of what is required to meet the SDGs.
Without massive investment and scaled-up action, the achievement of the SDGs—the blueprint for a more resilient and prosperous world and the roadmap out of current global crises—will remain elusive.
Only 17 percent of the SDG targets are currently on track, with nearly half showing minimal or moderate progress and over one-third stalled or regressing.

Forward Faster Now Asia & Oceania addressed key sustainability topics from impactful discussions to innovative solutions.
Leaders across the region came together to discuss the path ahead and drive business ambition on the SDGs.
Together, let’s move Forward Faster for a better future!