non-Business application

Join the United Nations Global Compact

  • Current Organization
  • Contact point
  • Letter of commitment
  • Review


General information

Any financial or contact information submitted herein is strictly private, confidential and personal to the UN Global Compact and will not be shared or reproduced in whole or in part, with any third party without prior written permission of an authorized agent of the company or organization.

Mission statement
Participation in the UN Global Compact

Describe the ways your organization pledges to participate in and engage with the UN Global Compact. This information will be reflected in the Letter of Commitment in step 3 of your application. Please refer to this page for suggested engagement options according to your organization type.

Integrity statement

As of 15 October 2017, the UN Global Compact excludes from participation companies that produce and/or manufacture tobacco or are part of a joint venture, have a subsidiary or affiliate stake in a company that produces and/or manufactures tobacco.

This product-based exclusionary criterion does not apply to: sale and distribution of tobacco; production, sale and distribution of tobacco-related products (including filters, packaging, chemicals such as acetate used in tobacco filters); financing of tobacco or tobacco-related products through investment portfolios.

Does your parent, subsidiary or affiliate company derive any revenue from the production and/ or manufacturing of tobacco?
Does your parent, subsidiary or affiliate company derive any revenue from the production, sale and/or transfer of antipersonnel landmines or cluster bombs?
Proof of registration
An official document issued by a state authority, certifying that the organization is legally registered (.pdf, .jpg, .png). Please ensure the file size does not exceed 10 MB.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png.