2019 United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Strategy CEO Study Webinar 2019年度联合国全球契约组织 - 埃森哲CEO可持续发展研究报告网络研讨会


Register today for an insightful webinar hosted by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture on 8 April 2020, discovering key findings from the 2019 United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Strategy CEO Study. You will hear from Ms. Meng Lui, Head of Asia Pacific Networks at the UN Global Compact and Mr. Guanghai Li, Managing Director of Accenture Strategy Greater China dicsussing insights drawn from 1,000 CEOs across 21 industries and 99 countries reflecting over 100 in-depth interviews and 1,500-plus senior business leaders.

This webinar will be hosted in Mandarin Chinese.


在本网络研讨会中,您将了解到来自2019年度联合国全球契约组织 - 埃森哲CEO调研的重要发现,其中包括:
• CEO如何将可持续发展目标纳入企业的战略和运营中
• 企业如何响应客户,员工和其他利益相关者日益增长的期望,以推动在环境、社会和公司治理问题上取得切实可衡量的进步
• 企业CEO对可持续性挑战和企业助力实现可持续发展目标新机遇的评估
• 中国企业转型及发展循环经济的优秀案例
